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Joshes pov

(There won't be alot of joshes dad, imagine him there though.)

"Dinner is ready!" Mom shouts from the kitchen.

Gramps is the first out of his seat, how could you guess. As soon as he wabbles his way to the kitchen everyone is out of their seats and basically running to the kitchen.

As soon as all the elders and children go through the line, all that's left is my siblings, Alice, and me.

"You first." Jordan grins at Alice. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and smile back at him. I think this is called being territorial? At least I'm getting my point across.

Ding dong.

"I'll get it!" Abigail runs to the door.

"Tyler! Jenna!"

Before I knew it mom was running to the door.

"Ty! How's my baby doing!" Mom pinches his cheeks and squeezes him.

"I'm doing good momma dun!" His face was as red as an apple.

"And jenna, your looking as beautiful as ever!" Mom squeezes her too.

"Thank ya momma dun!"

Gramps joins in too.

"Oh jenna, your looking as beautiful as ever!" He says waving his cane in her direction.

"Oh gramps, go sit down!" Mom fusses.

Gramps laughs and wobbles back into the kitchen.

"Anyways, come get some food!"

The rest of us pile into the kitchen. Alice stares in aw at all of the food. Or maybe all of the people chatting and laughing.

We make our way around the island piling our plates. As soon as Alice is done, mom, of course sits her next to gramps. I rush and get the seat on the other side of her.

"So, how did you guys meet?" Tyler starts a conversation.

"Well, we bumped into each other at the record store." I say and Tyler grins.

"Do you collect?" He continues.

"Yeah, I've been collecting for a while now."

"Oh, what got you into collecting? My grandad got me into records." I know he is only trying to keep the conversation going but I know he might let something slip about the band.

"Well, I was diagnosed with alexithymia at a young age. Its a mental disorder that makes it hard for you to understand what feelings are. My mom bought me a record player and some records from an old client because she thought it might help. I couldn't stop since then."

That explains everything. When she ran out of the café, or how she rarely smiles. But that doesn't change anything. Because I have seen her smile, and I want to make her smile.

"I'm speechless, you should write a book." Tyler smiles with shocked look still left on his face.

Alice smiles and laughs it off.

"So, why are you in little old Ohio?" Aunt may dabs her mouth with a napkin.

"My mom asked me to go with her, she had to work and didn't want me to be alone on the holidays."

"How long will you be here?" Uncle

"I'll be leaving the day after tomorrow."

"Why so soon sweet cheeks?" Gramps asks.

"I can only stay a week. Which I didn't intended to meet such wonderful people."

I hit me. The fact that she'll be gone.
She won't be here to fill up my days.

"Awww don't spoil us like that, it'll go to gramps head." Mom chuckles.

"Hey!" Gramps fusses.

I'm only guessing what Alice is thinking.

"So Tyler, how's the band going?" Ashley

Don't say it. Tyler.

"Ah were doing great!our song is on the radi-" He stopped mid sentence. If looks could kill, mine would.

"You ok son?" Gramps questions.

"Oh I'm fine, I just forgot something." Tyler grins ear to ear at me.

"So, lets go open presents!" Mom shouts ringing in my ear.


Alice pov

We all gather around the tree. Something I'm not really used to. Every Christmas eve my mom would let me open my presents early, because Christmas morning she was gone to work. There were never any happy feelings on Christmas. It was usually surfing the web and listening to music.

But I feel completely different here. It's so alive and fun.

They begin to call out names.


Jordan hops up and grabs his gift.

"Abigail!" Momma dun yells over the chatter.


Josh jumps up.

He begins to open his present. Drum sticks. I smile as he stares down at simple pieces of wood.




I get up from the couch and walk over to momma dun.

"Here you go! Merry Christmas dear."

I walk over to josh who is grinning crazily.

"You shouldn't have."

"I couldn't help it."

I sit down and begin to open the suspiciously square package.

A peak of colors pops from under the paper.

He really shouldn't have.

"Josh this is way to much!"

He must have payed a fortune, you can't find regional at best anywhere!


"I know some people."

I reach over and hug him.

I make it as long as I can taking in the smell of his hair and the softness of his Christmas sweater.




Gramps makes his way past us and on his way back he stops in front of me.

"He gets a hug? And I don't!?"

I stand up and give gramps a big hug. I find his hand travel a little past my back and reach behind me to slide it back up.

"Now gramps! You know what I said about treating ladies with respect!"

Momma dun pulls gramps back to his place on the recliner.

"We might want to say our goodbyes. It's getting late." Josh whispers in my ear leaving a faint warmth lingering behind.

We both stand up and make our way to momma dun.

"Mom, we have to leave."

"Why so soon?!" Momma dun frowns.

"She has to get home."

"Aww sweety it was really nice meeting you!" She begins walking us to the door.

Josh hugs and kisses his mom goodbye.

"Honey, I know this won't be the last time we see each other." Momma dun hugs me and opens the door.


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