Ch. 3 Distracted

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While John was fixing his hair he heard someone knock at the door. John quickly went to open the door, but before he could the two short haired girls came in. The first was a taller one with blonde hair that Riley calls "hair goals". The other was a pretty girl with brown hair. "Hey don't you look fancy." The blonde said. "Oh shut up, Berkliegh." The brunette mentioned. "Why you gotta be so rude, SaRena?" Berkliegh said. John laughed at the sisters. "So why are you here anyways?" John asked. " 'Cause we were bored." SaRena said, sitting on the couch.

"Well I need to go, I'm going out..." John said. "On a date?" Berkliegh interrupted. "Oooooooo! John's got a girlfriend! John's got a girlfriend!" SaRena chanted. "Um no, it's not even a girl." John said blushing. "So it's a boyfriend?" Berkliegh said, wiggling her eyebrows. "Maybe." John said. "Ooooo!" Berkliegh said. "Even better!" "Oh shut up. Now I gotta go. Don't break anything." John said and left.

In the hallway he saw Riley. "Hey John what's up?" "Nothing I have to go do something." Then a woman with short curly hair came out of Riley's apartment.

"Riley! You're not supposed to be outside!" She yelled. She then saw John. "Oh hi. My name is Hannah, I'm Riley's mom." She said smiling. "Oh hi..." John said awkwardly.

"Sorry, my gay ass son wonders off all the time." She said and pulled Riley back into the apartment with Riley yelling, "Mom I'm not gay!"

John stood there for a minute confused at what just happened. He shook his head. He had to go meet Ross at Costco.

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