Not a chance

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~Olivia's pov~ 

I could hear the boys on stage. They were singing "I would." I has gone and sat in Niall's changing room alone. Although I wasn't alone for long. There was a knock on the door. "Can I come in?" I looked up at the door and saw Danielle standing under the frame. In my mind I wanted the frame to collapse in. Me and Liam were happy before she came back. Finally I answered her, she wouldn't move from the door. "Please just come in. Don't just stand there." I said moving over on the sofa so there was room for her to sit, just not to close. She took the seat and looked at me. "Look Olivia. Me and Liam were together for two years. You cannot expect him to be over me already. It was only a few months ago that we were officially over. You can't expect him to love you as much as he loved me." I stared at her shocked. What right did she have telling me how much my BOYFRIEND loved ME. Liam was always telling me that he loved me more than Danielle. Sometimes I think he says that to keep me happy, but I always hoped he meant it. "Danielle I don't want an argument. Me and Liam are happy, well we were before you came along. He loves me. You have to move on. You have to let him move on without coming and ruining his life." She laughed. "I haven't ruined his life Olivia. I have made it two times better. If he loved you why would he kiss me." That is it. I flipped. What right did she have saying that my boyfriend had kissed her. Yeah okay so if he had then he would no longer be my boyfriend but she had no right telling me like that. I stared at her as she sat the laughing at me. "Glad you think it is funny. I was going to have a baby with that boy. You come along and ruin our relationship completely. You think you're perfect because you can dance. No Danielle you're not. You are nothing special and you never will be. You can have Liam. Maybe you need each other. Rather you ruin your own lives rather than everyone else. You are welcome to him. Now please get out and leave." I stood up and opened the door signalling for her to leave. She laughed some more. "I'm nothing special? Who do you think you are? I am obviously something better than you otherwise Liam would never have called me to come here would he?" That was it. I ran straight for her. I jumped on her and hit her face. She looked at me stunned but before I could do anything else she had pushed me onto the floor and she was sat on me hitting me, repeatdly. What was I thinking, I couldn't fight for anything. Liam was worth it though. He was perfect for me. I loved him. But then why did I kiss Niall. I opened my eyes. The anger in Danielle's eyes was scary. Then next thing I knew her hand had met my face again.


I blinked. I looked at the ceiling. This wasn't where I had been before. What had happened? I tried to sit up but the pain that ran down my spine was awful. I turned my head to see Niall and Eleanour sitting next to me. "Hello beautiful, how are you feeling?" Niall said coming closer to the bed that I was laying on. "What happened." I was confused. Where was I and how did I get here? "You were in a fight with Danielle. She beat you so much that you actually passed out. You have been taken to hospital. Me and El came in the ambulance with you." I thanked them both. I remebered now. Danielle had kissed Liam and I had got angry. "Where is Liam?" I asked looking around the room. "He is with Danielle. She was also brought to hospital. The times you managed to hit her, you hit pretty hard as far as we are aware." Eleanour finally said. She had sat quietly in the corner. It must be hard for her she was friends with the both of us. She shouldn't have to choose sides. The doctor came into my cubicle and checked me over. "You are okay. We have checked over your scans and you have no major injuries just a few cuts and bruises and a fractured wrist. You will be able to leave soon." The doctor said. "I will go and sort out your discharge forms." Niall thanked the doctor for me. I was so tired, I didn't even know what had happened. I was so angry. Now I was sad. I didn't want anything to happen between me and Danielle. I wanted Liam to be happy. 

An hour or two passed and I was finally allowed home. Niall took me back to where him and the boys were staying. Eleanour had gone out for dinner with Louis and Harry, so it was just me, Niall and Zayn. We were sat watching The Goonies. I was sitting in Niall's arms with my feet resting on Zayn's legs when Liam and Danielle returned. "Liam I don't think bringing Danielle back here is a good idea." Zayn said. "No Zayn I need to apoligise. Look Danielle I am sorry for starting this. I was upset and angry. If Liam and you are happy then I need to let you be. I didn't understand but now I do." I stood up, Niall helped as I was still shaking. I walked closer the Danielle and held out my hand. She smiled and pulled me in for a hug. "I am so sorry for what I have done to you. At the time I didn't realise how awful I was being." Danielle inspected my face and arms looking at all the bruises and cuts. Danielle went to the bathroom and I stood facing Liam. "Niall, Zayn can we have a minute?" I asked. They both stood up and left leaving me and Liam alone. "Liam I understand why you would want her. She is beautiful and I am not her. I never will be. I love you Liam. This is why I am letting you go so you can be happy with her." Liam's mouth dropped. "Olivia. If I wanted to be with her I would never have left her. I want to be with you." I looked at him, what was he saying? "Liam you kissed her? You sat with her in the hospital?" I sat back on the sofa. Confused. "Olivia. In the hospital I was sat with you at first. The doctor told me that you were pregnant...again. I had kissed Danielle but after hearing you were pregnant I needed to be here for you. It would be bad for One Direction's reputation as well as mine." I looked at him. "Don't stay with me because I am pregnant. I can care for myself. Just be happy." Liam looked at the floor. "I am sorry Livs. Can we still be friends?" I nodded. We had to be. I would still be on tour and I would still see the other boys. Liam sat next to me and hugged me. I smiled and wiped away the tears that were running down my face. "I love you Livs." "I love you too Liam." Niall and Zayn returned to the room and sat next to us. "Liam I need to tell you something." I looked at Niall and back to Liam. "I kissed Niall." Liam looked at Niall then back to me. "I'm sorry mate." Niall said. Liam looked at us. Zayn looked shocked and so did Danielle, who had now returned. "It's okay guys. If that is what makes you happy, go for it." I looked at Niall and smiled. We were mates that is it.

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