Our moment

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~Olivia's pov~

I stared at her lifeless body. Niall was stood behind me with his hands around my waist. Aston had gone home about an hour before. Louise was surviving, just. She was on a life machine but the doctors don't think she'll survive without it. "Hello...are you family?" The new doctor asked coming into the cubicle. I shook my head. "Very close friends." He nodded and checked Louise over. He turned to face me and Niall. "Could you contact her family?" I turned to Niall and hid my face in his chest. "They are on their way." I had met Louise's mum and dad a number of times. 

When they arrived me and Niall left them in the room on their own with their daughter. We waited in the waiting room. Half hour later a young nurse came out and called my name. "Mr and Mrs Cannon would like you two in the room." I smiled at her. As I walked away I turned to face Niall and I watched her slip a number in his pocket. I coughed and she looked at me. "He is mine yeah." She laughed and walked away. I stared at Niall and he grabbed my hand entwining our fingers. "She recognised I was from One Direction that is all babe." I smiled and walked to the room. Mrs.Cannon hugged me and then Niall. "Where is Ast?" I shook my head. I didn't know he just left. "He should be here." Niall grabbed his phone and called Aston. It went to answerphone. Niall left a message. Mrs and Mr Cannon had decided to turn the life support off and put Louise out of pain. Niall told Aston this in the voice mail.

We all said goodbye one by one. Mrs and Mr Cannon went first and they spent about fifteen minutes in there. Me and Niall went next. Niall hardly knew Louise but he came to hold my hand and comfort me while I said goodbye. "Louise I remeber the first time I came to work in the hospital. You were the first person to greet me. You were so hyper and happy. I just thought what a loser. She is happy and we work on a children's ward with dying children. What is wrong with her. But as I got to know you I realised you were one of the nicest girls ever. You cared for the children so well. They loved you. You were always up for coming out and always up for a party. You were such a good friend. I love you and I am so glad that you got to meet my baby and Niall. I can't believe you are dying because of some pathetic girl. If it helps she is in prison for murder. She wont be out for a while. Aston isn't here to say goodbye but I am sure he will be before they turn it off. I love you Louise. So much. I hope to see you again." I kissed her hand. Tears streaming down my face. I turned to face Niall and hugged him. I knew I had said my finally goodbyes so I left. The doctor walked into the room and was about to turn the machine off when Aston appeared. He ran into the room and closed the door. 

~Aston's pov~ 

I listened to the voicemail. They were turning off the life machine. Shit. I jumped into my car and drove to the hospital. There was so much traffic. I parked my car down a little road about ten minutes from the hospital and ran to the hospital. When I arrived they were just going in to turn the machine off. I ran in front of them and slammed the door behind me.

I pulled up a chair and held Louise's hand in mine, "I remeber when I asked you to marry me. Do you remember? You said no. I cried. You laughed. You told me you were joking and I hated myself because I thought you were serious. You married me. Remember when you told me we were expecting Charlie? I cried then too. My first child. When he was born. I cried again. We have his first birthday coming up Lou. Don't die on me now. See I'm crying again. The thing is I have never cried before. Before I got with you I was able to hold it in. Now i cry all the time. I can't lose you Lou. I would lose myself. Please Lou. Tell me you can hear me. Tell me that you're going to be alright. I love you Louise. I need you. Please. Please. Please. Come back don't go. Don't let them take you. Not yet. Charlie needs his mummy." Before I could say anything else Niall hand come in with Olivia and they were pulling me away from Louise's already dead body. I cried into Olivia's shoulder. Charlie was with Liam and Sophia so I was alone right now. I watched the doctor turn off the life machine. At first her heart carried on beating. Hope grew in me. Then BEEEEEEP. There it was. She flat lined. My gorgeous wife died. I ran out of the room without saying another word. I needed to get away. 

I ran to my car but I didn't get in. I ran past it and to the cliffs edge. I was considering it. After the break up with JLS I had been  depressed. Louise helped me. Now I didn't even have her. I couldn't kill myself though. Not yet. I ran away from the cliffs edge and I ran to the pub. I was going to get smashed. Maybe then I would take my mind away from Louise dying.

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