The Fight

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It's a Sunday night, and Brian was is he wanted to come visit me on my alley sometime, so he's visiting tonight. It's 10:07, he should be here soon. A few minutes go by, and then he arrives at 10:14.
"Hi Brian!", I say to him as he checks out the small, dark, grungy alley.
  "Hey Alexander, not gonna lie, I've been looking forward to this, it's good to get out if my house and leave my awful mother for a night", he says to me.
   "Really? But this place sucks, it's dirty and uncomfortable", I ask as he sits down next to me.
  "Yeah but I can't stand living with my train wreck of a mother, I hate her. This is far better than getting beaten on a daily basis", Brian says to me in a slightly aggravated tone.
   "Hey Brian, sorry for asking this, but do you know why your mom does that to you?", I ask him, feeling embarrassed.
   "To be honest, I don't really know. It could be because my dad left her when she was pregnant with me, but I wouldn't know, I have no way of knowing wether she was the bitter person she is now 17 years ago", he says to me, looking down at the ground with a sad expression on his face.
     "Don't worry, it'll be okay", I tell him as I hug him tightly and rest my head on his shoulder.
    We sit on the ground in silence for a few minutes, thinking and cuddling. I check my watch, it's 10:36.
   "Hey Alex, you got anymore cigarettes?", he asks me in a depressing, given up tone.
   "Yeah I've got a pack and a half left", I tell him as I take the lighter and cigarettes out of my pocket. I give him a cigarette and light it for him. He takes a deep breath in, then out. I take a cigarette out for myself, light it, and breath in.
   We both sit there for a few minutes, smoking and talking, our body's nuzzled together. All of a sudden I hear a few familiar voices, laughing and yelling in the same deep, hearty voices. Crap. It must be Nigel and his group of snobby, rich goons. They must be out trying to get into trouble. They're sort of like a gang, but not really. I hear they're voices getting closer and closer, right towards this alley. Shoot. If we don't hide they're for sure gonna see us. They're getting even closer now, there's no time to get up and hide, so I pull Brain against the wall with me, hoping they might not see us.
"Ow! Alexander what the hell was that for?", Brain yells in a shocked tone.
"Alexander?", one of Nigel's goons says in a cocky tone. "Come on guys lets go check it out", he says, walking towards us.
Crap. This was it. I take in a deep puff of my cigarette and stand up, motioning Brain to do the same. We walk out into the open alley way. There's no point in hiding, they'd see us anyways. I look at Nigel as I step out into the open. He's got a small bruise underneath his defined cheek bone.
"Alexander and Brian!", Nigel says in a surprised, cocky tone as he notices us. "You know Alexander, I still haven't forgot about this", he says, pointing to his small bruise.
I feel my heart start to beat faster as I realize what's about to happen. So I take a deep breath of my cigarette, that has just been loosely resting between my lips. I look over at Brian, and I see a few small drops of sweat running down his forehead. The group of guys is slowly walking closer, cornering us into the back wall.
I step back, getting prepared, when all of a sudden Brian puts his hand into a fist and punches one of the guys in the nose. A small trickle of blood stats pouring down the guys' nose.
All of a sudden all the guys start attacking us. The guy Brain punched rushes towards him and tries to pin him to the grou-BAM! One of the more muscular guys body tackles me and pins my arms and legs to the wet cement. I try to break loose but I can't, he's too heavy. He raises his right hand, forms it into a fist, and punches me in the stomach.
I feel my chest tighten as his fist makes contact with my stomach, and I get winded. I can't breath. The guy lifts his hand again, but this time punches me in the temple. I start to fall a small blood flow from my temple, dripping down onto my face. I try desperately to get loose, I'm kicking my legs, thrashing my arms and torso, and trying to head butt his chest so that I might be able get him off of me.
He keeps on punching me repeatedly in the face and stomach, and I feel my body aching and stinging. I look over to Brian as the guy punches me on my upper lip. Brian has 6 guys attacking him, they're all surrounding him. He can't get out. All of a sudden I feel a hot rage fill my body. I pull my torso up as the guy's punching me, and I bite his arm. I'm not proud of it, but it's all that I can do. He stands up, shocked, allowing me to stand up and become free from his heavy body. I look at his arm, it's bleeding a lot. It looks like a massive scrape that formed a small hole slightly above his inner elbow. He staggers and holds his arm.
   I run towards the group of guys surrounding Brian, sprinting as fast as I can. I lunge towards the guy closest to me and I stick my foot out, like something in a cheesy karate movie. The guy falls backwards, and unfortunately I don't fall on him, I fall on the hard concrete next to him, and j feel a loud snapping sound coming from my right wrist. I feel it with my left hand, and I feel a small separation of bones, it must have broken.
    I stand up, shaking off the pain, and look into the centre of the circle. I see Nigel with both hands around Brian's neck. Brian's is struggling to escape, he's gasping for air, and his whole face is turning blue. Meanwhile, a few of the other guys are punching his body around the torso and upper back area.
    They're gonna kill him, I think to myself. They're gonna kill him. Those idiots are gonna kill my boyfriend.
    With all the anger in the world surging through my body I run towards Nigel and throw myself on his back, trying to knock him over. But he doesn't knock over, instead I run into him and get boy bed backwards, my head hitting the cement hardly. I lie there for a moment, coming back to my senses. I can feel the blood rushing through my head, and it hurts like hell. It's pounding my head like a mini earthquake.
    But I get up, I can't let them choke Brian to death. I stand up, and Nigel still has his hands gripped around Brian's neck. All of a sudden, Brain stops resisting and gasping for air, and his body turns limp, and his face turns pale. He must be dead. He must be, at least he looks like it.
    I use all the energy left in my body to body tackle Nigel. I throw myself on him, and his body hits the ground hard. I rush toward Brian's body. I feel his pulse, hoping it would still be beating. But it isn't. He doesn't have a pulse. He's dead. Those jerks killed Brian. They killed the only person left who cared about me.
    Tears rush down my cheeks live a waterfall, they're unstoppable. I wipe them off, and I feel tons of blood on my face. I hadn't realized how badly if been hurt. My whole face was covered in blood, water and tears. That's it. I look over to Nigel, and I run towards him, shouting unspeakable obscenities at him. I wrap both hands around his neck, and even though it hurt my broken wrist like hell, I squeeze as tight as I can. I push him towards the wall with all my might. I pull his head towards me, still shouting the worst thing I know at him, and then I push his head against the wall, banging it as hard as I can.
   I bang his head against the wall a few more times, taking all my anger, sadness, and hatred towards Nigel out on his head. I bang his head harder than ever, and then I hear a loud crack.
Blood starts rushing out of the back of his head, so I pull him towards me and then push him down on the ground. Right above his neck there's a hole, his skull must've cracked.
I feel his pulse. There is none. The reality of what I've just done sinks in. I just killed a guy. I just took somebody's life. I had a living human being in my hands, and now he's dead. What the hell have I done? I killed him. I'm a horrible person.
I break down into tears, I can't bare to think about what just happened. Brian's dead. I loved him. The only person I loved, and who loved my back is dead. And I killed a person. I killed somebody. My mind can't even can't even process that.
The tears mix with the blood all over my face, and I start to feel tired and dizzy. I feel my temple to know how badly it was bleeding, and then I black out next to Nigel's dead body.

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