Chapter 12

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"Why are you wearing my jacket?" Party asks me annoyed.

"FYI, this is your old jacket." I sass back. "And besides, nobody'll recognize it."

"If people ask if we're dating, your getting it." He gritted through his teeth. "Who's not going to recognize a bright red jacket?"

"Why do you give a fuck on what they think? It matters on what you think." I lecture. "And besides, you'll be surprised Poison, they might not notice."

He ignores my comment and just walks beside me. Party gets in his precious car and I turn around to get my bike.

"Hey you coming?" Party shouts after me.

I turn around so he can hear me,"Yeah, but not with you."

"Just get in the car." He yells.

"Let's see, a guy that I've known before all of this shit happened, never even talked to me, was a complete douche to me, makes me close the goddam door, and then tells me to get in for a ride. Yeah no thank you." I say slowly so he can understand me.

He drives the car to me, almost running me over.

"Get. In. The. Fucking. Car." He waits for my response. "Now."

I open the car door with anger and slam it shut, almost breaking the car. Party starts to drive off.

"There. Now ya fucking happy?" I ask, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

Party steps on the breaks, hard.

"Listen, I'm trying to be nice to you, but I guess you don't want to." Party adds, and then starts to drive again.

"What the fuck does that actually mean?" I ask with sass. "You trying to be nice?"

"Do I have to dumb it down to your level?" He asks sassily.

"Excuse me, Poison, who got a F on their science midterm?" I sass.

He knows that he's failed, so he just stopped.

We drove in a silence.

Guys I fucked up. When it says 109 in the sky, that's the time not the radio station. IM SORRY IM AN IDIOT (don't wanna be an American idiot) idk if I should change it.

I'll update, just got a shit load of homework

Love you all

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