Chapter 32: Just Shut Up

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A/N great song up above, I suggest :)

*Zayra POV*

I roll my eyes as Madison looks at Nayla on the floor disgusted, "How could you do that?" She asks Bree.

Bree sighs, "Her throat just.. ACCID-TIZED open! If that's a word," she says very fast. I chuckle, "How could I not!" She yells groaning.

I try not to laugh aloud, "Well, you threw up on her." Madison scrunches her nose.

I let out a small laugh. Both of them look at me. I shrug, "What? It's kinda funny." I grin.

They both shake their heads, but Bree smiles at me understanding. I look to Madison, "So what-"

"Madison!" A tall muscular guy runs in through the wooden doors.

She lets out a groan, "What did I say Reggie? You don't come in unless there's an emergency-"

"There is one!" He rolls his eyes.

I raise my eyebrows. Me and Bree exchange looks.

Reggie is not bad looking- light crystal blue eyes, haircut of Christian Collins with dark brown hair with blonde streaks and overall he looks like he could be a Calvin Cline model and he talked back to Madison in a snappy way. I approve.

Madison looks at him, "Then what? You asshole." She rolls her eyes crossing her arms.

He mimics her and crosses his arms. Me and Bree hold in our laughter as he makes a dumb face while doing so, "You dick face," He says rolling his eyes walking in completely and shutting the door. He turns around, "Oh wait! You've never had a dick in your face. Whoops." He starts walking towards us.

I raise my eyebrows. I look to Bree who's already looking at me with the same expression. Holy shit. I like him! But Does he know Madison kills for fun?

Boy, you may be dead in a matter of seconds.

Madison glares at him, "What then?" She groans rolling her eyes as he walks in further, to the point where he's at the table, "That girl? I think.. Steffi? Yeah, she's about to knock this place to the ground, so I suggest getting outta here before you just, well die." He shrugs laughing while leaning against the torture table.

Madison's face goes slightly pale. I smirk. Found what she's afraid of.

"Fine then. Grab these two." She instructs pointing at us.

Reggie looks at us. I feel my cheeks turn pink automatically, "No." He says still looking between me and Bree.

Madison, I think, actually growls, "Reggie!"

He looks to her, "Madison!" He does the same high pitched groan she just did.

I can't help but laugh. Bree joins in too. Both of them look to us. Madison wearing a deathly glare on her face and Reggie wearing a sly smirk, "Get another one of your playboys to do that. I'm not harming these beautiful ladies." He gestures kindly towards us.

I feel myself smile, "Really Reggie? It's no wonder you never became an actual spy." Madison rolls her eyes.

Reggie raises his eyebrows at her, "It's no wonder you never got a boyfriend." He crosses his arms, showing his biceps.

I bite my lip to keep from laughing. Bree just lets it go and full on laughs. I think she might even be crying. I shake my head grinning. Does Reggie know Madison or something?

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