10 Things That Make (Kuroo) Happy

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I was tagged by the wonderful and sinful bitch, OoPureoO if you don't follow them, why are you even here?

Okay, I'm doing one for me and then my admin will do it!

1. KENMA. (What a surprise)

2. Volleyball

3. Bokuto

4. My BroHoe squad.

5. Proving to Bokuto that my thighs are so much better than his, what do you think?

6. K-Pop.... Surprisingly...


8. Not having to do my hair in the morning.

9. Ohoho-ing

10. My team, Nekoma.

I'm gonna tag some of my favourite BroHoe's,

StarSpangledTadashi Nishinoyawrites PeopleLeather kenma_kozume
And OoPureoO for tagging me.

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