Answer for KingKlowbi

234 17 3

Question for Ge:

My inspiration? Uh I don't really know, I get it from music, art, conversations,  I especially get it from personal experience (like getting kicked out of a store for yelling at christmas decorations on October 2nd)

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My inspiration? Uh I don't really know, I get it from music, art, conversations,  I especially get it from personal experience (like getting kicked out of a store for yelling at christmas decorations on October 2nd).

Also my followers and readers, they inspire me to keep striving forwards, we're almost at 200 followers, so I'm making sure to work extra hard to make sure if I do reach that many followers, it'll all be worth it.


Who's the prettiest setter, excluding Kenma?

Obviously Akaashi, no brainer.

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-Question Master Ge

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