16: For You

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( Note: The song above is for "her")

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"I wish you the best,"

That's the most honest thing I could wish for

But I'd be lying if I said, that I didn't feel a cut

the tugging through my heart strings

when I heard her name echo both in my ears

So I jolted into a run

And did not turn back

To turn my back on you

So you wouldn't see my fragile state

With the fear of tears streaming

Run as my feet's weakening

This is a thank you letter for you

For healing the sparse pieces

For stitching the wounds

For being the antidote

And maintaining this fray bond

You were the thread that stitched the broken pieces together;

And you were also the needle that pulled it apart

+ + +

A/N: I lied; this is definitely the last :)

I'll end this compilation here.

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