Chapter 1 Sideswipe and Jazz

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"Why are they riding around on motercycles causing trouble?" Strongarm had asked. "Because they don't like to follow rule or be treated the same way." said Sideswipe. "Then why do they wear the same jackets?" Fix-it asked. "To show they are different..... in the same way. Bots like wouldn't understand!" Sideswipe said while walking away. "Hey Snake why don't I get some of that dirt of your lips " The autobots reaction looked like they were confused on what is going on. Strongarm had asked " why are they pushing there faces together?" Non of the bots back at cybertron kissed so the bots did not understand what the characters were doing. While the rest of the bots watched the movie Sideswipe was walking around the scrapyard. Till Sideswipe thought he saw a decepticon. Before he could do anything the decepticon shot him down. Finally the other bots got there and stoped the mysterious deceptico . Turns out that bot was not a decepticon it was an old friend of Bumblebee. His name was Jazz and he thought Sideswipe was a decepticon so he shot him down not relizing he was with bumblebee. Jazz helped Sideswipe up and for a moment Sideswipe did nothing just stood there staring at Jazz like an idiot. Finally Bee snaped him out of it. For the rest of the night Sideswipe was speechless till moning. A desepticon had entered the base and took all the energon. Since this desepticon is like an Earth mole he digs holes in the ground and that is where he lives. He went back underground. Bumblebee and the gang followed. There were two tunnels so they had to split up. Immediately Sideswipe chose Jazz. Bee was not sure but Jazz was fine with it. So Bee and Strongarm went off in one direction and Sideswipe and Jazz went off in the other. Soon enough Strongarm and Bee found there con. Followed him to a wipe open space. But since the desepicon was diging so much the ceiling started to fall. Bee held it for a while then Strongarm took over after Bee got pushed down by the con. Jazz had found the con's hideout with the energon and told Bee. The desepticon over heard and headed over. When he got there Sideswipe took off towards the con but the con shocked him. Jazz had shot him but got the ceiling some how. When Jazz hit the ceiling the con took off because some pointy rocks came down. One was coming down right over Sideswipe so Jazz covered him. After the rocks stoped falling Jazz took them off him and Sideswipe. Together they headed back to the scrapyard where everyone else was. There human friends made some bait for the con. Later that night the desepticon came but not for the bait but for Bee and the gang. They were on top an pld sumbway train which started falling onto the ground. Everyone but the humans fell in a deel hole. The humans kept the con busy while everyone piled on top each other. That did not work so Sideswipe came up with a plan to get a running head start then jumped up on the wall the everyone else. He finally destracted the con while Bee and Jazz got up. Sideswipe finally got the con in his pod. But what was wrong is Sideswipe was in there fighting the con but Sideswipe told Bumblebee to close it but before he could Jazz joined Sideswipe. For a few moments there was noise everywhere then there was silence. No one knew if Sideswipe and Jazz were dead, hurt, or alive. Then finally Sideswipe and Jazz popped up and climbed out. Bee closed the pod and everything was fine. What was better is Sideswipe and Jazz had gotten so close. The next morning Jazz was getting ready to leave but before he could he had to say by to Sideswipe. Sideswipe was upset that Jazz had to leave. Before Jazz left he tried something new. He kissed Sideswipe. After like what seemed forever they finally stoped. Sideswipe was blushing like no one has ever blushed before. What ducks is that Bee actually liked Jazz. After that Jazz left. Sideswipe never new when he would be back.

Authors note: Hi my name is Avery and this is my first time writing something like this so be honest in the coments and I hope you enjoy my story! THX!!!!😊

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