Chapter 3 The New Bot

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The whole team saw Windblade's autobot symbol so they all stayed calm. Sideswipe went up to her and asked what her name was. "The names Windblade. What's yours?" Sideswipe responded "Sideswipe but you can call me whatever you want." "OK Slick." Strongarm did not like this new bot. Not one bit. Probably because she saw that Sideswipe was making goo goo eyes at Windblade the whole time. Strongarm hated to admit it but she had a little crush on Sideswipe. She could not help it with those dazzling optics and cute smile. Before she new it Strongarm was say dreaming on how hot Sideswipe is. Luckily she was in car form so no one saw her face. Finally the team got back to the scrapyard. "How was anything, eveytin, BANG, EVERYTHING." That was Fix-it he was aboard the owcamor when it crashed. A long with all the decepticon fugitives that escaped when the owcamor crashed. "Hey Bee! Me and Fix-it worked all day but we finally made two more exact copies of the decepticon hunter." That was a human. A man named Denny. He has one son named Russell. "Thanks Denny!" "Sorry Grimlock we did not have enough materials to make a third." Denny told Grim. "It's ok I like to use my fists anyway!" "Hey Fix-it we have a new member on the team. Meet Windblade!" Sideswipe was explaining to Fix-it how they met Windblade. "Wow! It sounds like you guys had fun!" Sideswipe replied "YEAH! It was sooooooo fun." Bumblebee was so glad that Sideswipe was over Jazz that means he has more of a chance with Jazz. That is if Jazz likes Bee in that way. Bee was so impatient. It has been five months since the team found Windblade and Jazz left. Bumblebee was out on a solo mission out in the woods where no humans would come. All of a sudden Bee saw something in the sky. It looked like an escape pod. As fast as he could Bee ran after the pod. When he finally found it he opened it. When he opened it he saw..."JAZZ!" "Yo Bee how ya doing?" Bee was so excited that Jazz was back he brought him back to the scrapyard. "Hey everyone Jazz is back!" Sideswipe came back from his solo mission and as soon as he saw Jazz he freaked. He finally asked Windblade out on something humans call a date and she said yes. But since Jazz was back he thought his feeling would come back too. Sideswipe had no idea what to do. He is in trouble.

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