Chapter 5 Megatronus

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"I will end you Megatronus one way or another!" "You can try your best Optimus Prime but you will fail!" Bee offered to help but Optimus told him to help his team. "My team cam handle themselves Optimus." "GO BUMBLEBEE! NOW!!" Bumblebee headed towards Sideswipe, Windblade, and Strongarm to get them down. Since Bee, Sideswipe and Strongarm all had decepticon hunters they can put them together and it will upgrade there armor and weapon. They did that and they each had new armor and a weapon like Optimus Prime's. "Now everyone help Optimus!" Windblade, Sideswipe, Bumblebee, Jazz, Strongarm, and Grimlock headed towards Megatronus. Optimus joined in. Optimus stabbing Megatronus and killed him. "Thank you everyone for your help in defeating Megatronus. I couldn't have done it without each of you." Anytime Optimus." Sideswipe walked over to Windblade, "Hey thanks for your help today." "Aw it was nothing Slick. So uuuhhh-" Grimlock yelled " KISS HER!!" And in that moment Sideswipe and Windblade started kissing. Jazz was happy for Sideswipe he had found someone who likes him for being him. So in the end Optimus returned to the Prime's realm. Bee and his team stayed on Earth with Fix-it, Denny and Russell. Jazz went back to Cybertron. And Windblade stayed on Earth with Sideswipe. So everyone was happy and there were no desepticons to be found. Until... "Ha ha I got away now to build my desepticon army!"

Sorry the very last chapter is so short but I will be working on a new story soon. Thanks for reading my story.😄

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