Chapter 4 The Return of Jazz

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"Oh hey Sideswipe how are you?" Jazz had asked. "I'm good. How 'bout you?" "Good. Thanks for asking." "Yo Slick ready for our date tonight?" Windblade flew in at the wrong time. "Oh hey Windblade. Yeah I am ready. Windblade this is Jazz." "Nice to meet you Jazz. So Slick let's get going don't want to miss the movie." "Alright. By everyone see ya when we get back tonight." Jazz was kind of jealous Sideswipe had what a humans call a girlfriend. "Yo Bee what's with Sideswipe and uuuhh Windblade?" Jazz was curious. "Oh uh Windblade was a bot we found out in the woods. Sideswipe started drooling all over her." Jazz made a sad face. Bumblebee saw his reaction and started thinking... maybe Jazz has a crush on Sideswipe and... not me.😯 All I want is a bot that likes me. Bumblebee said all this in his head so no one heard. All Bee's life he either had girls laugh at him of say he is ugly. As you could tell he was not a ladies man. It has been a month since Jazz Came back and Windblade arrived. Bumblebee found a piece of metal on the ground from when a pile of scrap metal fell. Bumblebee looked at jus reflection then Optimus Prime's. Optimus is one of the seven primes left. He was also Bumblebee's leader. "Bumblebee each day I learn about the threat that is coming to this world and wondering if you are ready to face it?" "YES! Optimus my team and I are..." Optimus left. Bee does not know if he is alive or dead but he does knows he is in the primes realm. About a week later Bee found Steal jaw and his crew. They were at the Statue of Liberty. They are building a space bridge to bring someone here. Bumblebee can't let that happen. Bee, Jazz and Grimlock headed down to the Statue of Liberty. Stronarm, Sideswipe and Windblade got catured. While a desepticon was driving to the scrapyard to get Fix-it. They arrived as soon as Bumblebee, Jazz and Grimlock left. The desepticon got in and tried to grad Fix-it. Denny, Russel, and Fix-it headed into the house. Before the desepticon got in Optimus appeared and took down the desepticon. Denny, Russel, and Fix-it came out ready to attack till they saw this fifty foot bot sanding there with a sword stepping on the desepticon. "Yyy - your Optimus Prime." Russel pointed out. "Where is Bumblebee?" Optimus asked. "He is with the others trying to stop Steal Jaw and his crew. You gotta get over there and help them." Optimus flew over there as he could but he got there to late. Steal Jaw got the space bridge open and it gave out this blast that made everyone fall. A big, black figure came out. "MEGATRONUS STAND TRIUMPHANT!!"😈

Narrator: Will Optimus, Bumblebee, and the gang beat Megatronus or will he stay triumphant? Find out in the next chapter and the last one.😊

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