Chapter 2 Bumblebee's Feelings

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Jazz had left the scrapyard and Sideswipe was still blushing like crazy. Bumblebee was upset. He knew Sideswipe had feelings for Jazz because Sideswipe to Bee. But Bee was upset because he had had feeling for Jazz and they were coming back. It was ovious that Strongarm had a crush on Bee but Strongarm was just to young for Bumblebee. Bumblebee thinks he has a better chance with Jazz than Sideswipe does because Jazz and him are closer in age. But on the other hand Sideswipe has a lot in common with Jazz. Bee was just so confused so he went to sleep. Hopefully he will feel better with some training in the morning. It is seven o'clock in the morning and Bee got no sleep. He only thought about Jazz all night. Training did not help one bit. Every time Optimus made everyone train Jazz would be the first one doing anything. Strongarm asked Bumblebee what was wrong. Bee answered "nothing now get back to training cadet." Strongarm was worried about Bee. He just yelled at her and Sideswipe was not their to cause trouble. Strongarm thought that she would ask Bee what was troubling him but that did not go so well the first time. So she had to do some diging. Apparently Bumblebee had something called a diary hidden somewhere in the scrapyard. She knew this because she over heard Bee say something about it to some random animal in the scrapyard. The only thing she did not know is where it was hidden. Strongarm looked everywhere but could not find it. Till she found something shining in the light. It was the diary which had a lock on it. It was one of those locks that had a pass code. Strongarm easily figured out the code it was 715 which were the same three numbers he always used. After reading it she found out Bee had a crush on Jazz just like Sideswipe. That afternoon she pulled Bumblebee a side and told him she new his secret. He was so mad that Strongarm went through is stuff but was impressed that she cared enough to do what she did. All of a sudden some bot came by and they all thought that "she" was a decepticon but she was in fact an autobot. She was a jet in stead of a car. In that very moment when see transformed Sideswipe's optics lit up like never before. As soon as Bee saw Sideswipe's reaction he was glad that he had a new crush so now Bee has a better chance with Jazz

Authors note: Sorry about the wait but chapter two is finally done. Hope you like it!! 😊

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