Ch 4

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So, Harry and Louis did find their rooms, or should I say room? That's right, they were sharing a room. Their group of 5 had been assigned 2 rooms. The others had decided to share Room 27 because it had one single and one bunk bed. Room 28 had two single beds. Liam, Niall and Zayn had decided to leave it for Harry and Louis as they weren't there and seemed to 'be on friendly terms' in the words of Liam.

Harry: Well, that's fine by me. [really, on the inside, he was screaming] (A/N: picture attached)

Harry went in and found his luggage next to the couch. Their luggage had been brought up to their rooms by people working there when they were allowed to proceed. He noticed some a suitcase and backpack on the other side of the couch that had Louis' name tag on them.

Louis was actually quite relieved that he didn't need to share with the others. He was sorta  friends with Harry now, so sharing with him shouldn't be too uncomfortable he thought. Except for that weird tingly feeling he got when he was with Harry, he thought. Well, that was probably nerves as he had just met him and wanted to have a good first impression on him. He needed to make friends, didn't he? 'Calm down Louis. This is probably just first day nerves',Louis told himself.

There were two beds but they were in the same room. It was basically a double bed. There was a floor length window with really pretty curtains. They had bursts of colour- a cream background with pink, purple, blue and red mixing randomly for design. Louis loved the room. He flopped down on the window side of the bed. As he kicked off his shoes, Harry entered the room.

Harry: "You're taking that side?"

Louis: "If you don't mind."

Harry: "psh.. Of course not. I like this side more actually. Oh and before I forget, the other boys want to have a meeting in about half an hour which means 6:30 I think. We can unpack later. Just freshen up or whatever. Not that you have to, I'm just saying you can if you want. I'm sorry if I offended you. And I'm  rambling again. I'm just gonna have a quick bath, if that's alright?"
Louis: "Relax Harry. I'm not gonna eat you!"
Harry tried to stop looking worried and managed a feeble smile. He walked to the loo unaware of how Louis' eyes were on him. Hey, it's not Louis' fault that Harry's bum is so cute! Louis realised what he was doing and looked down because what the hell- he had a girlfriend for heaven's sake! One that he really needed to call up tonight. Oh well, he could do it when he got back from dinner. Louis fixed his hair and put on a clean semi formal shirt for dinner. He didn't want to be under dressed for this. He wore his normal jeans as he didn't want to be over the top either.
Harry came back about 5 minutes, after Louis was ready. He dried his hair with a blow dryer which might seem unusual but Harry did have thick hair.

Louis: Well, if you're done we should go over now. It's 6:20.

Harry: I'm done. Let's go see what they're doing.

They went into the room on their left to walk in on a massive pillow fight! Well, there was no time to be wasted! They grabbed a couple of pillows and joined in with battle cries that were really just screeches tbh. It was really fun and a great icebreaker. Niall gave up and fell on top of Liam. Zayn lay down on Liam and Harry on top of them.

Niall: aahhhh!! I'm suffocating! Help me Louis!

Louis: *throws off imaginary specs and rips off shirt* Superman's here to save ya Niall!!

Louis pushed off Zayn, Liam and Harry. Then he lay down next to Niall.

Louis: Superman is tired. Pick him up peasants!

Liam: *ahem* It's 7:30. We need to decide our group name. Band name. Whatever. And we need a group leader. We really need to get serious now if we want to be on time for this dinner.

Louis: Well, Harry here had an idea for the name. How about 'One Direction'?

Niall: Can we just call it 'Niall and the Potatoes'?

Everyone looked at him simultaneously with odd looks on their faces.

Niall: Okay, maybe not. Well at least I tried! But I'm cool with One Direction too.

Liam: Me too. Zayn, what do you think? Any ideas?

Zayn: I'm gonna go with One Direction. And maybe it can be 1D/OneD for short.

Harry: Yeah of course. So, the name's decided. What about the leader?

Zayn: let's decide that through the classic Rock, Paper, Scissors. Liam and Niall can play with each other. Louis and Harry play with each other.

*Liam and Louis win*
Z: Okay now I'll play with Louis and Liam.
*Zayn loses from Louis. Loses from Liam*

*Louis wins from Liam*

Zayn: Louis is the winner. So, are you cool with being the leader, Louis?

Liam messes up Zayn's hair.

Zayn: Control the attitude Lily. *flicks hair.

Liam: Yeah whatever. Well, it's time for us to head for dinner. Let's go,

Louis: Ahem, the Leader here. waiting to speak...

Z: yes, mr. leader? *sniggers

Louis: *smacks zayn's head* Let's go. we only have 10 minutes now. 

All of them went for dinner and reached a couple minutes early. They spotted Simon near what looked like a salad-cum-drinks bar and went over to him.

Author's Note:
Vote and Comment!! Please..
So I hope you guys like the story so far. FYI, Louis thinks he's straight and that's why he has a girlfriend. 

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