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003. | ❛ do you still have nightmares?

Elena dropped her bags in the hotel room and bolted outside to go to her plot of land in Rosewood. She followed the dirt path and found an SUV parked in the front of it. She walks around it and hears the noise of a chainsaw and the man she loved with goggles covering his eyes. Toby sees her figure standing there and quickly stops while Elena runs towards him jumping onto of him while Toby caught her and twirled her around before setting her down on the ground and kissing her lips.

"Wow! This is impressive" Elena looked down at the blueprints that Toby made for their house.

"Ah, it's harder than I thought. I curse a lot. It's very therapeutic. How was New York?"

"Um, I curse a lot it's very therapeutic." Elena smiles at him.

"How long are you staying?" Her fiancé asked her.

"I got a request from The State of Pennsylvania. They would like my opinion on something."

"Ali's trying to get Charlotte out of the hospital. "

"Yeah. We're here to talk to the court."


"Aria, Emily, Hanna, Spencer, and me." Elena said to him leaving Spencer's name last to not reference their break up.

"All of you in one place at one time. When's the last time that happened in Rosewood? "

"Long time." She patted his back.

"But when Alison flashes the Bat Signal... "

"You know it's not like that, you know, we're still friends and we're not just, "Let's go see a movie and have dinner" kinda friends, but the "I saved your life, now you save mine" kinda friends. You know. You were there."

"You still didn't answer the question" Toby says grabbing her hand and intertwining them with his.

"Well, the hearing's tomorrow, and then... and then I don't really know. I probably don't have to be back in New York for a week."

"Then I have to do something extra special for you this weekend." He leaned in and brushed his soft lips onto Elena's. Her heart started to melt before she pulled back," I, I should go though. I'm supposed to be meeting Ali. And I'm already late." She kissed his cheek before taking off to meet Ali and the other girls.

Elena found her way to the classroom where Ali taught. The girls stood against the desks as they heard Alison reason for Charlotte's trial.

"Charlotte is getting the help she never had when she was little. Five years of treatment, undoing all the damage. I visit her, I spend time with her. She even stayed at my house for a weekend last Christmas."

"They let her out?" Hanna asked

"It was a supervised visit." Ali continued.

"So Charlotte is all better now. What does this have to do with us?" Spencer nudged her head towards all of us.

"At the hearing tomorrow, the judge will decide if she should be released. 'And they want to hear from people who were involved.'"

ᵉᵐᵖᵗʸ ᵍᵒˡᵈ ▸ 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐑𝐒 ✓Where stories live. Discover now