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008. | ❛ techie's typing.

"You guys, I'm so sorry. I was up late last night prepping for town hall meeting. I turned my phone off." Spencer said to the liars who were in the hotel lounge. Spencer placed her phone on the table showing the text

"Who the hell sent that?"

"Someone who has our new number." Elena said with her arms crossed.

"Like Ali? We all know I am at the top of her suspect list." Aria accused.

"Maybe that's why Sara's hanging around. She might not be able to cut around me but she can still type a text." Emily slapped her arm on her leg.

"So I'm guessing everything she told the judge about Charlotte was a lie." Hanna spoke

"Maybe she came back here to mourn the death of her mentor not her tormentor."

"So we're-we're definitely saying that Sara's the stalker?" Elena rested her arms on the chair

"I'm telling you guys that bitch wasn't Stockholmed."

"Well, the only thing we know for sure is that' she has spent two years helping Charlotte torture us. That's plenty of time to perfect the art of cyber stalking."

"Or it could just be some techie at the phone company with too much time on his hands."

Hanna sighed,"God, I miss New York. I am addicted to Blue Bottle Coffee.One cup and you feel like you can handle anything your boss throws at you."

"You got that right," Elena agreed with Hanna. That coffee had the most caffeine in the world and with one sip Elena felt invincible.

"Staplers, her phone... " Hanna listed the things that her boss threw at her.

"You boss literally throws things at you?" Hanna made a face to Emily's question before picking up her phone.

"Wait. What are you doing?" Elena asked.

"I lied to Lorenzo yesterday and he knows it. I don't have any time to play games."

"Like the techie's really gonna respond." Aria told Hanna seeing that it was a dumb idea.

Hanna held the phone to us to see what was happening,"Okay, the techie's typing."

The phone beeps at the response,"Yes."

"So you're with Dr. Rollins? Ah, sounds peaceful there. Okay, well, give us a call if you need anything. Bye." Emily hung up before telling us what Alison said

"So Alison's at the Rollins' family farm in Eastern Pennsylvania. They're on a dairy tour right now."

"If Ali's really tasting Amish cheese do you think she could be the cyber stalker?" Hanna questioned.

"If is a really big two letter word, Hanna."

"Whoever this person is they think that we know who killed Charlotte and they're sending us these texts because they want us to rat that person out."

"Okay, but we do know who killed her. Don't we?"

"Ezra said he didn't do it."

"Maybe that's what you heard, Aria, but the rest of us' heard Ezra kick us out of his apartment." Elena spoke to Aria

"Guys." Emily said to them before they looked over to the tv. Lorenzo was speaking about the case which caused all of them to jump off the couch and closer to the tv.

ᵉᵐᵖᵗʸ ᵍᵒˡᵈ ▸ 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐑𝐒 ✓Where stories live. Discover now