Freedom. Finally.

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Sooooooooooo I don't have a cover >.> anyone wanna volunteer to make one for the story >.<


~Tsuki's POV~

This place still reeks, as always. "Ouch!" I pouted, rubbing the area on my head where I felt something peck me. I look over to my shoulder, seeing a crow. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the bird, bringing it in front of me. I carefully untie the note that was attached to its foot before pulling out some treats for the crow.

Lake 7.


Finally, I'm getting out of here. A small smile made its way to my lips. The thought of coming home to the Leaf brought back happy memories. Memories of me and Neji. My mood dampened at the thought of him. I'm still in love with him. But.... Does he still have feelings for me? There's a part of my that wants to know the answer to that question, yet another part of me that doesn't want to know.

"Tsuki!" My head shot up and to the side. "Oh, Kabuto, it's you." I said with a dull tone. "Lord Orochimaru wants you back inside." Kabuto told me. 'Of course he does, he always want me inside, where he can keep his slimy eyes on me.' I thought, sighing out loud as I stood up and follow Kabuto back inside and to Orochimaru's little throne room.

"There you are, you were beginning to make your brother worry." Orochimaru said in a tut-tut kind of tone, making me scowl and scoff. Such lies. Sasuke, worry about me? Psh, that's happen when Hinata doesn't flush red near Naruto. "What you want you creep?" I scowled, glaring at him slightly. "Aww now now, is that any way to treat someone who's been housing you for the past two years?" Orochimaru chided with a smirk. "Bullshit. More like kept prisoner." I seethed, flashing my sharingan.

Orochimaru shot up from his chair, and grabbed the front of my shirt and slapped me. I showed him no sign of pain or distress while I slowly turned my head back to Orochimaru's scowling face. "You better watch that tongue of yours my dear, or else you'll be finding it to be in someone else's mouth." He threatened while grabbing my face with one of his hands. "What's stopping you?" I scoffed back, wrenching my face out of his hand, and prying his hand off the front of my shirt.

Then, shivers went down my spine when Orochimaru smirked and backed me against a wall, "You've got a good point my dear. Nothing. Nothing is stopping me. You're on my turf." He raised his right hand up and cupped my face, stroking my cheek with his thumb. "Tsk," I slapped his hand away and scowled at him. But Orochimaru's smirk only widened as he grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head. I squirmed and struggled to get free while glaring at him, "Let me go you fucking snake."

Orochimaru laughed, "Struggle all you want. The moment you entered this room your chakra was sealed off, and that pesky demon of yours can't help you either." I only struggled more as he laughed evilly and chain my hands, but what bothered me most was that he knew about Suirō. "You thought you could hide that from me?" Orochimaru laughed as he pushed himself up against me, making me look away in disgust.

I never thought I'd be thankful for my brother interrupting. Especially now because I was still upset at him for forcing me here two years ago. Yes, I was still upset at him about that. Go ahead, call me childish, but I don't give a flying crap. Sasuke was knocking on the door and called for Orochimaru. Orochimaru 'tsked' and gave me a creepy ass look before unchaining me wrists. "Don't think this is over my dear." He smirked before walking over to the door and opening it, revealing Sasuke.

My brother glanced at me for a second before turning his attention to Orochimaru. I rolled my eyes and scoffed before taking off to my room. I shut and locked my door before going to the bathroom and taking another shower because Orochimaru's touch felt disgusting, and I felt like it was still lingering on my body. 'Yo kiddo, you're going to scrub off your skin at the rate you're going.' Suirō said. I could just imagine him rolling his eyes at me right now. 'Good, I can get rid of the part he touched permanently.' I shot back as I turned the water off and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around myself. 'Just one more hour. One more hour.' I told myself as I got dressed.

'Do you think the Leaf changed much?' Suirō asked me as I was laying in my bed. 'Who knows...' I answered, sighing out loud while staring at the ceiling. Suirō was quiet for a bit before asking, 'Do you think Neji still loves you?' The question that I dreaded. The thought of him with another girl made my heart ache, literally. But I wouldn't blame him if he did moved on though. I mean, I was gone for two years. 'Hey kiddo, cheer up. If he left you because of something like this then he's not worth it.' Suirō told me in attempt to comfort me. 'It's only normal Suirō. I mean, who wouldn't move on if something like this happened to them.' My mood dampened once more. 'Kiddo, true love knows no bounds. If he truly loved you then he would wait for you, no matter how long the wait. I've seen a lot in my life time kiddo, and believe when I say that true love knows no bounds. Even if you don't have Neji or Sasuke, you'll still have me and Naruto. I know for sure that Naruto would never abandon you.' Suirō told me.

I swear, sometimes I feel like Suirō is the father I never had rather than a demon that's locked in me. He seems more human than me sometimes. 'Take a nap kiddo, you need to rest.' Suirō told me as I felt tired and sleepy.

~Time skip~

'Kiddo, wake up.' Suirō woke me. 'It's time.' He said bluntly. My head slowly turned to my nightstand where a clock stood. 6:50 it read. I quickly shot out of bed and packed some food and weapons before smashing the window to my room open. I only smashed it because the window wasn't the type that opened. Probably reckless of me to do that, but oh well. I mean, I'm already sneaking off and escaping so meh.

I quickly made my way to lake, where Itachi was waiting for me. "Nii-san." I smiled as I tackled him with a hug. "Imouto, you've grown so much since the last time I saw you." Itachi said as I looked up at him. "I missed you so much, you won't believe how happy I am right now." I could stop the tears that spilled out of my eyes. "Come on, we don't have much time before Orochimaru figures that something is up." Itachi said, pulling back and wiping my tears away.

"Let's get you home imouto."


Sorry it took so long >.> school just got a little overwhelming and I lost my drive for writing fanfics for a bit.

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