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"Tsuki," I felt someone shake me, waking me from my slumber. "Mghm?" I groaned, turning in my bed. "Wake up, Tsunade wants to see you in an hour." I heard Neji say. I let out a string of groans and unidentifiable mumbles. "Still haven't change much." Neji chuckled before I felt my body being lifted from my bed. "Neji, put me down." I groaned sleepily. "Nope, you need to wake up love." He replied before I heard the sound of water rushing. 

My eyes shot open, out of fear of him tossing me into icy cold water. "Were you going to run cold water on me?" I gasped in shock, looking at him with sad eyes. "No, I'm not the mean. I was just starting the shower for you." Neji chuckled. "Oh, thanks babe." I smiled, leaning up and kissing his cheek. "I'll make some breakfast." Neji told me as he set me on my feet. "Mhmm kay." I said, rubbing my eyes. Neji left the bathroom, and I did my usual morning routine before going to the kitchen. 

I took in a deep breath, smelling the wonder aroma of food. "Smells so good." I sighed in pleasure as I sat down at the table. "Now, is it going to taste as good as it smells." I giggled, making Neji roll his eyes. "This is the first time I've seen you cook, so of course I'm going to question it." I chuckled, picking up my cup of orange juice and drinking some. 

Neji smiled warmly at me as he placed the plate of scrambled eggs with sausage and buttered toast in front of me. Then, he sat down across from me with the same dish. I smiled shyly, and blushed as I took a single bite of each thing. "It's good." I grinned before digging in. "Thanks babe." I smiled once I finished eating everything on the plate. Neji finished not long after me. I quickly washed the dishes before going to the Hokage's office with Neji. 

"You wanted to see me Tsunade?" I asked as I walked through the door. "Yes, I wanted to discuss your rank with you. As you know, you are still a genin. Now, you have two options: go through the process of the exams, or you can agree to a series of tests that I will give you. Now keep in mind, if you choose the latter, the tests will be harder than the exams. But the tests will be shorter time wise." Tsunade told me. "I'll go with the latter." I chose. Honestly, I did not want to go through the chunin exam again. "Alright, your test shall take place in three days time. You are to report to training ground 5 at 8 am." Tsunade told me. "Alright, is that all?" I asked. "Yes, that is all. You are dismissed." Tsunade shooed me away. 

Neji and I walked around the village, hand in hand. "So what are your plans for today?" I asked as I looked around. "I have training in a bit." Neji answered. "Can I come with?" I asked, looking up at Neji. "Sure, I'm pretty sure Gai won't mind." Neji chuckled as he started leading me to the training grounds. "Neji! There you are!" I heard a male voice shout. I looked in the direction of the voice to see a guy dressed in a green jump suit waving his hand in the air. "Is that Lee?" I questioned. "Yep, always wearing that green get up." Neji sighed as we made our way over. 

"Oh Neji, who is your lady friend?" Lee asked when we were a few feet away from him. "Yeah, who is she?" I heard a female voice ask harshly. I turned my head to the side to see a girl with two buns. "You guys don't recognize her?" Neji smirked, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer. "No, I have not seen her before." Lee said as he eyed me up and down. Tenten replied by shaking her head. "Guys, it's Tsuki." Neji chuckled.

"WHAT!?" Lee shouted, making me flinch and cover my ears. Lee immediately glomp me, tearing me away from Neji. "Lee.... Need to... Breathe...." I wheezed, making him release me. "If you're back, then where is Sasuke?" Lee asked, looking around the area. "I escaped on my own..." I told Lee in a dull tone. "Oh... I see..." Lee replied in a quiet voice. "Why didn't you take him with you? He's your brother." Tenten said. "He's changed, my brother is no longer there. The Sasuke now is just some cold hearted ass." I replied, looking down at the ground. 

"Sasuke will come around some day." Neji comforted me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a side hug. "I hope." I sighed. "Come on, cheer up." Neji said, kissing the side of my head. "I think I'm gonna go for a walk, and look for Naruto." I sighed, shrugging Neji's arm off. "Uhh Tsuki," Tenten started, grabbing my attention, "Naruto's gone. He left to go train not long after you left." Upon hearing this, my mood dimmed a lot more. "Oh... Well I'll just go train alone then... I need some me time right now." I said dully. "I'll swing by your house around dinner then." Neji told me, kissing my forehead before I took off. 

'Maybe I should try to find Sakura... She may be a pain in the butt, but she's still part of team 7... Oh! I should find Kakashi sensei too!' I thought as I walked through the village. 'Oh, speak of the devil.' I chuckled out loud as I saw Kakashi sensei just a little ways up ahead. "Kakashi sensei." I called out as I ran up to him. "Huh?" He looked around for a bit before his eye landed on me. "Tsuki?" He uttered out in an unsure tone after he stared at me for about a minute. "Yep, the one and only." I smiled. 

"You're back. When did you get back?" Kakashi asked, putting his perverted book away. "Yesterday." I answered him bluntly. "Where's Sasuke?" And there's the million dollar question. "Sasuke's still with Orochimaru... I managed to escape." I replied. "Even you couldn't get him to change huh?" Kakashi sighed. "Sadly." I sighed. "Well, it's good to have you back Tsuki." Kakashi smiled, well you can't see it but you can see the movement under the mask. "I'll catch you around sensei." I smiled, waving as I left. 

I decided to not go see Sakura, so I headed back to clan compound to train a bit. I got to the clan lake and dived in. I worked on some water jutsus before practicing some lightning style jutsus. I gave up on earth style because lightning went better with my water style. Like, I can still use what ever earth style jutsu I've learned and know, but I just don't learn or practice any more earth styles. 

After a while of practicing, I floated on my back on the water's surface. I let smiled and let out a happy sigh as I felt my body and mind relax. 'Kiddo, probably a bad time to bring this up, but don't you find it weird how Orochimaru or Sasuke haven't attempted to take you back.' Suirō just had to ruin my moment. 'Suirō, I am trying not to think about that for a reason. I mean, it's back there, but I just don't want to think about it.' I replied as I tried to shove all the negative thoughts away. 'Just be on your toes kiddo.' Suirō sighed before going quiet again. 

"You gonna float around all day?" I heard Neji chuckle. I quickly stood up on the water, and looked at him. "You done for the day?" I asked, walking to the shore. "Yeah, I'm free for the rest of the day." Neji smiled, reaching out and grabbing my hand and pulling me to him. Giggling, I wrapped my arms around his neck as his arms wrap around my waist. "Well, how about you go wash up, and we'll figure out what to do." I smiled, leaning up on my toes and giving him a peck on the lips. "I missed you so much." Neji smiled before pulling me into a long and passionate kiss.

"I love you so much." I smiled when we pulled away. "I love you so much too." Neji chuckled as he interlaced his fingers with mine. Then, the two of us made our way back to me house. I got started on dinner while Neji was in the shower. "Don't you think you're taking it to easy imouto?" A deep, dull voice asked me. Without looking, I already knew who it was that said that, "I probably am, but I really don't want to worry much about him right now." "Imouto, if he recaptures you then that is that. There won't be another chance for you to escape, even with my help." Itachi said in his dull voice. 

"What if he just gave up on me?" I sighed as I tossed the mushrooms into the pan. "I highly doubt that, you intrigue him, and he wants you for other reasons as well." Itachi replied. The thought of Orochimaru's slimy hands on me made me shudder. "I'll keep my guard up from now on then I guess." I sighed. "But nii-san," I turn and look at Itachi, who is leaning against the kitchen counter, "Why don't you just tell Sasuke the truth?" "You already know why imouto. Besides, it's already to late, he's to consumed with revenge and darkness. He's to far gone that even you couldn't pull him back." Itachi did have a good point. "I just wish we could be a happy family... Together, just the three of us..." That distant dream is now gone. "Well, I'll visit you some other time when I can," my brother pulls me into a brief a hug, "Take care." Then, he disappeared. 



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