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So anyone wanna make a cover for me >.> please


"Alright, I'll watch your back from here on out. The gates are about a mile from here." Itachi told me when we neared the Leaf village. We've been running the whole night, and we've finally made it. Well, nearly. "Thank you so much nii-san." I smiled, giving him a quick hug. "Now go, I'm pretty Orochimaru figured that something's up and on his way here right now." Itachi told me, turning me around and giving me a light nudge. 

I took in a deep breath and let it out before taking off towards the gates. 'Gotta hurry...' I pushed myself to go faster. There was a part of me that felt that this was all to easy, but another that was like meh. As soon as the gates appeared in my field of vision, I slowed my pace down just slightly to bask in the happiness of my freedom. Well, almost freedom. 

When I was about a mile from the gates, I stopped for a second to catch my breath. "Almost there Tsuki. Almost there." I panted heavily. I felt my heart lighten at the thought of going home after all these years. But that feeling was soon gone when I heard the dreadful voice that I hoped to never hear again. "Almost where Tsuki?" My heart dropped at the sound of his voice. 

I didn't dare turn around as I took off at full speed. "You can't escape me Tsuki." His voice echoed throughout the place, making my adrenaline spike to the max. The gates of freedom came closer with each step I took. I could almost grasp my freedom. 'Wait, oh shit. They're closed!' I just now realized that. 'Damn it! By the time I knock and when they open the gates, Orochimaru would have dragged me half way back to his pedo house.' I thought as I stopped in my tracks and turned around. 

'I'll just have to stall for time...' I thought as I pulled out a kunai. "Get out here you snake!" I shouted, activating my sharingan. "Cocky now are you?" I heard Orochimaru chuckle before he appeared before me. "Shut up, and come here so I can kill you." I snarled, throwing the kunai at him. Orochimaru easily dodged and disappeared, only to reappear behind me and kick me into a tree. 

Then, he teleported in front of me and grabbed me by my neck, picking me up and slamming me against the tree before kneeing me in my stomach, making me cough up some blood. I growled and spat some blood in his face before raising my knee up and kneeing him in the stomach, making him release me and stumble back a bit. "Just you wait until I get you back at the hide out." He hissed at me before lunging at me.

I jumped up and avoided his attack, but he quickly summoned his snakes, making them wrap around my leg. Then, he pulled me back down to the ground. Well, more like slammed me on the ground. I let out a small grunt as my back slammed on the ground. "Bastard." I hissed, drawing out the water from the plant life around us and turning it into ice shards and sending it at Orochimaru. He managed to dodge most of the shards, but some of them managed to knick him.

Orochimaru disappeared once more and appeared on top of me. "Damn it, get off of me!" I snarled, raising my leg to kick him off, only to have him pin it down with his knee. I glared at him and tried to use my mangekyo sharingan, but Orochimaru didn't fall for it to easily. He quickly covered my eyes by tying a piece of cloth over my eyes. 

"Fuck. You." I spat at him. I heard Orochimaru chuckle as he held my wrists together and pinned them down above my head. "Oh that's exactly what I'm going to do to you once we get back." He whispered in my ear, making me shiver in disgust. "Once I get free, I'm going to rip you apart. Limb by limb. Then I'm going to- Mhmp!" Before I could finish, I felt something on my lips. 'Oh god, please don't let it be his lips, please don't let it be his lips.' I pleaded as I tried to turn my head away. 

I felt something trying to shove its way into my mouth. I screamed, but my screams were muffled by his disgusting mouth. 'God damn it, ew! Ew! He's trying to shove his tongue in my mouth!' I continued to scream and try to thrash about to get free. 

Then, I felt something tighten around my neck. 'Fuck!' I felt my airway being cutoff. 'Shit!' I thought as I opened my mouth. I gagged slightly when Orochimaru shoved his tongue in my mouth. As disgusted as I was at myself, at least I can breathe. 'Oh my god! What the fuck is he doing!?' I thought as I felt his push something in my mouth. I quickly took in deep breaths when Orochimaru took his tongue out of my mouth and removed his disgusting lips from mine. I was enjoying the fresh air until I started choking on something. 

I tried to hack up what ever was stuck in my throat, only to have Orochimaru grab my face. "Swallow it!" He demanded before I felt some liquid, which I hope is water, fill my mouth. Then he shut my mouth, which forced me to swallow what ever was in my mouth in order to breathe. 

I felt his grip on my wrists loosen, so I took this opportunity to wretch my hands free and swing at him. I wasn't expecting to hit him, bit I did. I quickly ripped the cloth off and closed my left eye, casting amaterasu. I watched as the black flames of hell burn Orochimaru.

The moment he got off of me. I ran out of the trees and onto the main road. "Shit." I cursed when I felt my head spin as my vision blurred. I started to stumble as I tried to head for the gates that were opening. "Hey!" I heard a voice call out, most likely to me. I turned my head towards the source of the voice to see who it was that called out. 'Wow, who am I kidding, would I even be able to recognize anyone?' I slightly chuckled to myself before clutching my head.

Slowly, my black dots started appearing in my vision as my legs felt weaker and weaker. The last thing I saw before black was some guy with long brown hair with a leaf head band.


Sorry >.> I almost forgot about this 

If you see any mistakes, please tell me

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