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~Neji's POV~

"Hey!" I shook the girl. I was on my way back to the village from a mission when I saw her run into the middle of the road. I called out to her, and she looked at me before she started falling towards the ground. I quickly dashed to her, and caught her right before her body hit the ground. I quickly took her to the Leaf's hospital before going to lady Tsunade. "You found her near the gate?" She asked me as the two of us made our way to the hospital. "Yeah, she just came out of no where and collapsed." I told her. 

As the hokage and I were walking to the hospital, I thought about the girl. Something about her was familiar. I felt like I've seen her some where before. But where? "Here she is." I said, opening the door to her hospital room. The girl was laying in the hospital bed with an IV hooked up to her. I eyed her up and down, taking in her appearance. She had long dark blue hair, it's so dark that it could be mistaken for black if it wasn't for the lights. Her hair reached her lower back. 

Tsunade looked the girl over before she started healing her. The girl woke up shortly after Tsunade healed her.

~Tsuki's POV~

'Ugh, my head.' I thought as I slowly opened my eyes. I slowly sat up, only to be stopped by hand that was placed against my upper chest. "Huh?" I followed the hand to the owner. "You shouldn't sit up yet." A feminine voice told me. "I'll be fine." I replied to the voice as I shook my head lightly to clear it up. 

Once my vision cleared up, I looked up at the person who was standing next to my bedside. "Lady Tsunade." I smiled when I recognized her. "How do you know me?" She asked, crossing her arms. "Guess you don't recognize me huh?" I chuckled lightly. "Well, you do look some what familiar, but your face isn't ringing any bells." Tsunade sighed. "It's me, Tsuki." I told her. Tsunde stared at me for a bit longer, "Wait, Tsuki? As in Tsuki Uchiha?" 

"Is there any other Tsuki around the village?" I chuckled, rolling my eyes. "Tsuki? Is that you?" This time it was a guy's voice. I peered around Tsunade to see the boy that I saw before I blacked out. I took in his appearance. He had long brown hair that was tied at the end, a black leaf headband on his forehead, and he was dressed in like this white robe looking like outfit. I could tell that he was from the Hyuuga clan because of his eyes. "You look familiar." I said to the guy, tilting my head a bit as I racked my brain for a possible name. 

"Lady Tsunade, could you give us a minute?" The guy asked Tsunade, who nodded her head and walked out of the room. Once Tsunade left, the boy walked up to my bed side. When he was closer, I managed to get a better look at him. It took me a minute or so, but it hit me. "Neji?" I gasped in shocked as I looked him up and down. "Took you long enough." Neji chuckled as he cupped my face with his hand. Tears welled up in my eyes as I smiled and leaned into his hand. I placed my hand over his and closed my eyes, not wanting this moment to end. 

Neji sat down on my bed and pulled me into a hug. "Have you moved on?" He asked me as he stroked my hair. I quickly shook my head, "No, why would I?" Then, the worry started to set in. "Did you move on?" I asked in a scared tone. "No, I've been waiting for you all this time." Neji told me, pulling  back and placing a kiss on my forehead. "I've missed you so much." I sobbed, wrapping my arms around him tighter and burying my face into his chest. "I missed you so much as well, Tsuki," he told me as he stroked my hair, "Let it out, just let it out." 

I don't know how long I cried for, but all I know is that I'm home. "Come on, let's get your talk with Lady Tsunade done and over with, so we can get you out of here." Neji said as he pulled back. I lightly nod my head as I wiped my tears away. "Sorry, about your shirt." I apologized when I saw his tear soaked shirt. "It's fine, nothing to be sorry about." He told me, kissing my forehead. 

After Tsunade cleared me after I told her all that happened the past two years, Neji took me to get some new clothes. Since I didn't have any money yet, Neji paid for me, as much as I went against it. "I am so paying you back for this once I get money from missions." I chuckled as him and I entered my house. Well, maybe not mine, mine, but I was the only one living at the Uchiha clan house. So ergo, it's mine. "I'm not gonna take it." Neji chuckled as he helped me put the stuff away. 

"I'm going to pay you back, one way or another." I said, sticking my tongue out at him. "You better watch that tongue of yours." Neji gave me a playful, threatening look. Of course, me being me, shot him back a challenging smirk and stuck my tongue out further. "One last warning." He warned me as he advanced towards me. "And just what are you going to do if I don't stop? Hm?" I smirked at him mischievously before sticking my tongue out at him once more. 

"I warned you." Neji smirked before tackling me down onto my bed, making me let out a small squeal. I laughed and tried to knock his hands away as he tickled my side. "N-N-N-N-Nejjjjjiiiii, stoooooop." I laughed as I tried to stop his hands. "No, this is what you get for sticking that tongue of yours at me." Neji chuckled as he continued to tickle me. "Stop, please, I'll do anything." I laughed. "Anything?" Neji replied with his own question in an interested tone. "Yes, anything." I strained as I felt my sides hurt from the laughing. "Fine, no paying me back." Neji smirked triumphantly, making me pout. 

"Meanie." I pouted, sitting up on my bed. "And I like being mean," he chuckled, leaning in and placing his lips on mine. 'Oh god.' I thought as the rush of emotions flooded my body from head to toe. 'I missed this so much.' I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, and pulled him in closer. Neji gripped my waist, and pulled me into his lap while deepening the kiss. 

Soon, we were in a full blown make out session with me pinned under him on my bed. "You have," kiss, "No," kiss, "Idea," kiss, "How much I," kiss, "Missed you." Neji said in between kisses. "I love you so much Neji." I panted as kissed him passionately. "We better stop before we get to far." Neji panted when I pulled away. 

The two of us laid in my bed, cuddling. "Man, that felt amazing. Like, just, every emotion, the love, the passion, all of it just came back." I smiled lovingly as I drew random patterns on his chest with my finger. "I know, it all just hit me like a ton of bricks." Neji chuckled, placing a kiss on my forehead. 

"Stay with me?" I asked while looking up at him cutely. "If that's what my princess wishes." Neji chuckled lightly as he pulled me closer. "That is what she wishes." I chuckled, rolling my eyes. "Sleep, you need rest." Neji said, stroking my hair. "Mhmm, good night, Neji. I love you." I smiled as I felt myself slowly slip. "Good night, Tsuki. I love you too." I heard Neji say before I fell asleep.


Sorry it took so long >.>

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