Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Agnes flipped the switch and the kitchen went pitch black. Agnes The old lacquer floor squeaked every step She made. Agnes looked around the house and beamed on a hole on the ceiling.

"Hmm, they missed a spot."

The house was old and close to breaking down. It stood for 5 decades and passed down Agnes' family for generations. The walls were close to breaking down and the ceiling dripped and dropped a strange brown liquid every now and then. Agnes always said it was just muddy water but Erich had a different and much messier idea to that.

The house was old, yes. But to Agnes and Erich it was a home sweeter than any other and they cherished the rickety old house as their family.

"I'm just saying maybe we should go far away and relax." Agnes said enthusiastically. Agnes handed Erich the brochure of the brand new spa that opened just last week at New Singapura.

Erich took a quick scan at the brochure.

"You do realize the cost of this is way beyond our scope." Erich said pointing at the small box on the brochure with the price on it.

"It'll be alright. I saved up quite a bit from my night job and besides, we rarely get to go and have fun and just lighten up. The last fun trip we had was at the Universal Studios more than a year ago wasn't it?" Agnes pointed out.

"And I've been itching to try that ear acupuncture I read about. Said to be able to release anxiety." Agnes said.

Erich hummed to himself.

Erich knew she had a point. These past few months has been hard on both him and Agnes. Agnes had to pay off a lot of bills and maintenance on their house so she had to take up a night job to pay them all off so she was working day-in and day-out.

And exam season just ended for Erich. Caught by misfortune, he caught a bad case of flu during the exams leading to quite a horrendous experience. Erich let the idea sink into him. Sitting in a nice, relaxing jacuzzi and then having a fabulous dinner outside the porch of a highly rated spa resort. The resorts highlight was its acupuncture treatments. It's quite famous for being able to release stress in the body, both physically and mentally.

This was exactly what Erich and Agnes needed after whats been going.

"Do what you want." Erich said as he sat reached for the remote. Agnes wiggled her finger at Erich motioning him to scoot over the sofa so she could sit.

"How bout going next week Friday? Last day tomorrow anyways." Agnes asked. "Gives us 3 days to prepare then. She dropped herself heavily on the sofa and Erich bobbed up and down.

"Hey, watch it!" Erich cried, holding onto his wounded knee. The area around the wound was starting to become a swampy purple. He was starting to question himself about all the failed attempts over the years leaving him colorful with the shade of black and blue.

"Don't go rushing things yet- Make sure you don't have anything important in those days will you? Knowing you, you'd probably rush things without a second thought. " Erich said trying to keep a straight face but was obviously in pain.

Agnes was very well known to forget anything whether important or not once she gets too excited over anything different. There was a time when Agnes made Erich to join an annual parent-child cosplay contest and they were going to go as Professor X and Mystique. Unfortunately, Agnes forgot that she had a very important meeting that she could not afford to miss out of on the exact same day and she was reminded of it while she and Erich was just about to enlist themselves in the cosplay competition by Agnes' very very angry supervisor.

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