Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The sun sank into the mountains the red moon shone eerily overhead. Raf sat in his cage feeling disgusted like never before. Raf had experience getting captured and spending the nights with stinky old coots but never with animals, and dead ones at that point.

Piles of dead boars stacked up on each other's corpes. The boars limbs were brutally ripped off and fresh blood stuck onto their thick black and brown fur.

Raf flinched looking at a few select who had their tusks ripped off their jaws and shoved up to their own eye sockets or any flesh entrance to their body, natural and unnatural. Liquid oozed from every nooks and corners of the pigs, their bodies completely defiled. The Lizardmen had an inhumane way of playing and killing off their prey and Raf knew the Lizardmen were probably going to rip him to piece as slowly and painfully as possible like they did to the hapless pigs.

Raf took a quick gander at the Lizardmen near him. One thing for sure, they were definitely bigger than any other average race. The smallest Lizardman he spotted in the camp stood at about a hefty 6 feet vertical. All the Lizardmen in camp had a bulky figure and thick muscled ripped through their green and brown, scaly skin. Their head was pretty much shaped like a humans except they had a long, sharp snout and a forked tongue slithered out of their lips. Their necks long and accessories dangling from every Lizardmen in the camp.

Their spines sharp and pointy petruding out from their backs all the way across to their long, thin tails. Their tails measure to about half the Lizardman's height and it swirled and swung in the air menacingly.

The Lizardmen's hands were shaped basically like a humans with a rock-solid looking palm. Completely capable of wielding almost any arsenals in existence. Including guns and blades.

The most menacing thing Raf found about this race were their fangs and yellow, bloodshot eyes. As far as Raf was concerned, they had way too much teeth in their snouts and each lengthened up to about Raf's ring finger. One bite from those brutes were enough to break a person's bones right off their limbs without any effort whatsoever.

All of the lizardmen had a common trait at it was their yellow eyes with a sharp black iris cutting across their pupil like a snake.

They wore no attire other than the necklaces and jewelries they crafted with the bones, teeth and other parts of the body they ripped out of their victims and preys.

Raf took out a pair of glasses out of his pocket. The right lens of the glasses was completely cracked and bits of glass were falling off. Raf was hit by a huge tree branch which happened to just came flying right to his noggin shortly after separating from the rest of the group. Raf recalled a huge spider monkey laughing and dancing above the tree where the branch fell. The next thing he knew, he was lying face flat atop a pile of dead pigs.

The camp filled with tents made from hides and bones of animals in the forest and skulls of huge animals hung as trophies on the tents tip; giant cats five times the of humans, an enormous stag who had its horns broken right off its skull and even the skull of a young sea serpent. All hunted and killed by the respective owner of the tent.

A huge bonfire crackled in the middle of the camp and something like a huge spit hung over the flame.

The dull colors of the bones and the bright light of the bonfire contrasted and made eerie shadows across the camp. The Lizardmen's yellow, snake eyes glowed under the sky and all looked pretty eager waiting for their share of today's hunt.

Raf counted about 30 Lizardmen in the camp

The Lizardmen around him eyed his cage like a hawk to a mouse. It was nearly supper for the Lizardmen and Raf knew he was on the menu.

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