Chapter One - Wedding Day

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This is a boyxboy book! Guys on guys! If you ain't like my gay bacon, then back the fuck off. If you like my gay bacon...

Enjoy! :)

Chapter One - Wedding Day

«Adam POV»

"What are you going to do Adam?" Mom asked.

I fixed my tie. "I will sit quietly and properly."

"And..." She dragged on.

I sighed. Damn bitch saw through me. "I will not do anything gay, or hit on a guy."

She smiled. "Good, but let me warn you. If you even try to do anything to ruin this day, deals off, okay?" She warned.

I looked at her, and smirked. "Like you said, don't do anything but stay silent, right mom?" 

She cringed at the name. She didn't want to be my mom and hated being reminded of it. "Okay, only call me that if people are around. Also, I hate you," She sneered.

I chuckled. "I hate you too, witch."

She glared at me. "Just be quiet and only speak when spoken too, got it?" 

"Yes ma'am!" I said and saluted her. She hit the back of my head with, I must say, extreme force. "Violence is never the answer, hag." I mumbled the last past, rubbing the back of my head. All least she couldn't hit me directly in the face here, probably.

"Just go sit down! You know the rules! If you break them, deals off you fag!" She yelled at me, giving me the middle figure as I walked away. Damned bitch.

By deal she meant, I don't mess up the wedding, only talk when talked to, and leave her and her hubby alone for the next two years. If I do that, she'll pay for my college and other expenses for school, after that she said she never want to see again. The feeling was mutual.

I took my seat in the back and everyone around me moved away. I sighed. My whole family was filled with a whole bunch of homophobes. Gay haters can suck my gay ball!

I looked around to see all of my family members so kindly giving me dirty looks and ferocious glares. I smiled at them and they gave me a disgusted looks and turned away. The other side of the room, the groom's family, were giving me a confused and sympathetic looks. Once they find out why my family is like this, they'll be the same. The witch told me they were homophobic too. My luck...

The music started to play and everyone stood up. I stood up accordingly and had a blank look on my face. Mom told me to show no emotion. She didn't want people to see my gay smile. How can a smile be gay, I mean really! It's not like I have rainbow colored teeth! But . . . now that I think about it, that would be cool.

Mom, or Jena, walked down the aisle. She had a smile plaster on her face, and a bouquet of white lilies in her hands. Her smile fade some when she saw me, but when she looked back at the groom her smiled came back. She was truly happy right now. I couldn't help but be happy too... thinking of the damn bitch tripping on her dress, ripping it and breaking her nose off the floor.

I kept a blank face through all of the ceremony. People were crying and smiling, while I just sat there bored and getting confused looks from people who saw my emotionless face. I felt like one of those British soldiers that never move no matter what.

After all the vows and 'I do' and crap, it was finally over. I quietly stood up and left the room going to my mother's changing room. She had told me to before hand.

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