What Publishers Are Looking For

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You can get your career as a novelist moving. 

Publishers are looking for two out of three big things for new writers.  The good news is that you have complete control of two of the three big things.

1) An excellent, flawless manuscript.

2) A writer who has already built a following through social media, blogging, newsletters... whatever your creative niche is.

3) A writer with an agent. (And you're already working on that part with the query letters you're sending out.)

Now, while you're waiting on your query letter, it's time to attack #1 and #2. 

Make your novel the very best it can be. Find some social media you like. If you don't like Pinterest (or another form of social media), don't use it. If you do, go for it! 

If you don't enjoy what you're doing, then you're not going to keep doing it daily. Plan to spend at least 15 minuets a day interacting with users. That'll all add up to a meaningful following (people interested in your writing) that will help the world discover your book when it's time for publishing.

Remember, if you keep going, this will all add up into something meaningful. 

Set your eyes on your goal and tell yourself that, even if you have to carve the words on a stone tablet, somehow, this book is going to happen. You can do this!


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