Building Your Audience: Public Relations Before And After Publishing

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I have awesome writer friends who went to the Bay to Ocean Writers Conference on Maryland's Eastern Shore and shared their notes with me.  I thought my Wattpad crew would love this, too!  I've added in my own personal comments into the notes to make them readable.  I hope you enjoy.  This is from the second program: "Public Relations Essentials," by Laura Reeth (who does PR for Nora Roberts).


Consider the writing style of your public relations (blog posts, newspaper and magazine articles, any kind of pres release).  Are you straightforward? Classical? Whimsical? When starting out, it's best to be straightforward.

Consider modifiers to your book.  A blog and a website are ideal because you need a place where people can find you and see what you're about.  It's a great idea to have this in place before you even write your query letter and try to find an agent.  But you definitely need this in place once you have the book printed.

  But you definitely need this in place once you have the book printed

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Include this on your website/blog:

* A bio -- one page, printed

* Publicity photo, one that is PROFESSIONAL and not a Facebook selfie

* A place for email sign ups -- believe it or not, email is one of the BEST marketing tools and authors that don't use it are hurting themselves

* Social media -- Facebook, Twitter (useful for events), Instagram, Pinterest, Goodreads, Tumblr (Only use these if you know what you're doing. Some writers have been ridiculed out of existence while attempting to "be cool" on Tumblr -- check out Neil Gaiman's Tumblr page for ideas on how to do it right.)

* Giveaways -- like bookmarks or business cards

It's important to find your comfort zone in promoting yourself and your book

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It's important to find your comfort zone in promoting yourself and your book.  Remember, these are things you can be doing even before your book is published.  In fact, you should be doing them before your book is published.

* Be consistent in whatever you do.  Find your voice and stick to it.  Why do you write?  Are you a naturally encouraging person?  Critical?  Thoughtful?  Let your cause come out through your public relations efforts.  Be true to you.

Published:  What They Don't Tell You In English ClassWhere stories live. Discover now