Chapter 5 Excitement begins

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Charles Chapman sits in his office talking to his assistant Lisa who was clearly not happy.

"Sir.. Why did you tell her you had a suspect?."
He shrugs in reply. "I didn't want her to be suspicious."

She frowns "Suspicious of what exactly?... What do you intend on doing with her?."

He grins "Lisa.. That's two questions.. You know my policy ..only one question per answer."

Lisa nodded "Of course sir.. My apologies.. I'm just concerned that she's going to get hurt.. Her and the other girls."

He tuts "Lisa.. Lisa.. Lisa You know me by now.. How many years have we worked together.."

Lisa grins "Too long sir..Ill probably be still working here till I retire."

He chuckles "Well it's not like you have a choice in jobs these days..and your far too good at your job."

Lisa grins with her face red feeling bashful with all these compliments. "Thank you sir."

He gets out of his chair and walks toward her. "You don't have to worry about Guinevere and the other girls.. You just have to trust me."

Lisa nodded "I know.. It's just you seem to be liking her more than the others.. People could see it as favouritism sir."

He smirks "Well maybe that's because it is Favouritism Lisa."

He looks at her as if he has a brilliant plan..
Lisa frowns "I know that look your planning something.. But what?.. I don't want any part of anything bad in case it all goes wrong."

He grins "It's not exactly anything bad and it won't Lisa I promise.. It's all going to go to plan.. I'm going to marry that girl whether she wants to or not.."

Lisa nodded "Good luck.. I have a feeling your going to need it."

And with that Lisa leaves the room whilst Charles Chapman walks to another door to a room adjacent to his office and sits down.

In front of him is 5 different televisions watching the patients in their cells and in the patient room. He searches for someone he is thinking about and when he finds her he chuckles happily "Guinevere.. You'll make an excellent wife my dear.. Get ready for your brand new life."

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