chapter 27-Hollaback Girl

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Charles Chapman grinned at her. "This has surprised me Guinervere as I had hoped that you would agree to marry me, I thought you would possibly chose another option."

Guinervere swallows. "Another option? You mean All this time I could've chosen another option and you never said anything?."

He nodded his head. "Actually yes, You could either attempt to back stab me and escape with your friends but that would never work or You could take the cowards way out and leave anyway without your friends."

Guinevere frowns. "Neither would work anyway because last time I checked, I actually need you to help me get back to my own time."

He smiles with satisfaction "Exactly, My point. I'm glad you see it my way Guinevere."

Guinevere scoffs. "This doesn't necessarily mean I'm going to marry you."

He raises his eyebrow. "Oh, Is that right?." He folds his arms and walks around his desk and leans against the desk. "You know that you're only way out of here is with my help and the only way that's going to happen is if you Marry me but then again you already know that and still you refuse to marry me and continue coming to my office wasting mine and your own time in doing so."

Guinevere bit her lip. "You don't even know what I'm going to say."

He shrugs. "I'm not psychic but there's only one reason why you are here Guinevere and you decided to come here and bargain with me."

She hung her head "How..How did you know?"

He laughs a dirty laugh. "One gets a sixth sense about these things I suppose plus I think I know you now Guinevere."

She shook her head. "You don't know me at all because if you did then you'd let us all go."

He sighs "I'm a passionate and honest guy Guinevere but right now you are trying my patience."

He continues. "I have given you the options and I've given you time to consider them but since that you can't decide what you want in that pretty head of yours then I have no choice but to take it out of your hands and make the decision for you."

He walks around his desk and opens up a drawer. He takes out what looks like a dirty rag and takes out a bottle from the drawer. He opens the bottle and tips what could be water or perhaps something else.

He places the bottle back in the drawer and closes it. He holds the rag in his hand and stares at Guinevere hesitating for a moment in the hope that she will change her mind.

Guinevere frowns in horror watching him. Wondering what he's going to do. She looks from the door and then back to him. Could she make it?

She looks at his figure and sizes him up. Could she get to the door quicker than him before he does whatever he's going to do to her?

Even if she did escape, Where would she go?

She thought about earlier that day when she decided to marry the guy in exchange for her friends going home. But instead she thought that changing her mind right now and being a coward was probably the better option.

He stood still staring at her wondering what she was going to do. He braces himself in case she attempts to do a runner. But he was at one advantage if she did run because he knew the entire facility as if it was drawn on a map on the back of his hand.

Guinevere decides that now is the time and quickly runs to the door. Her hand barely touches the handle when she felt his hand and the dirty rag on her mouth.

She attempts to speak but it's starting to get a little harder to breathe. She squirms out of his grip but her efforts prove futile and suddenly Guinevere's world turns Black and she collapsed on the floor at Chapman's feet Just where he always wanted her.

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