Chapter 19- Deja VU

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Guinevere felt a sense of Deja Vu.. She was back in the Cell that she first arrived in..Surrounded by Girls who had now become her friends but at the same time she realized that her friends lives were in essence in her hands quite literally.

The seriousness of the whole situation had slowly dawned on her. She was of course sacrificing herself for the lives of her friends because that is the kind of person she is. Even though she is probably the most vulnerable out of all the girls..She felt compelled to do it.

It wasn't that she had no choice. She knew she had a choice and Charles Chapman was forcing her to make a different choice.

But she partly knew that this wasn't her decision to make. She stands there in her cell nervous about breaking the news.

Francine smiles at Guinevere. "So.. How did it go?."

Guinevere sits down in the corner of the cell and sighed. "Truthfully..It did'nt.."

Mary stamps up and down like a toddler having a tantrum. "I KNEW IT!..I KNEW SHE COULDN'T BE TRUSTED..DOUBLE CROSSING WITCH.."

The other girls Francine and Riley circle her. Riley angrily shouted at Mary. "How dare you..After everything she's done for you.."

Mary folds her arms. "And What has she done exactly?.."

Francine snaps at Mary. "Be quiet will you?..Besides We Don't know the Whole story..."

Francine sits next to Guinevere. "What happened?..Is He gonna let us go?.."

Guinevere nodded. "Yes and no..He'll let you go but there's a catch.."

Riley gasps suddenly it hits her and she works it out. "He's letting us go but he's making you stay..."

Guinevere nodded. "Yup..That's it..In a nutshell.."

Francine gasps. "But he can't do that.."

Mary groans. "Yes he can..He kidnapped us remember so he can pretty much do anything wants right?.."

Riley looks at Mary and smiles sarcastically. "Well thanks for such positive optimism but next time we won't be asking you..Okay?."

Mary shrugged. "I'm just stating the obvious.We all know he was never going to let us go.."

Francine sighs. "For once Mary's right.. We can't trust him, Which is Why we need a plan B."

Riley grins. "Whatever You've got in mind I'm in.."

Guinevere shakes her head. "No.. He'll let you go..It's fine I'll stay.. I don't want you hurt because of me.."

Francine smiles. "Relax..It'll all be fine.."

Guinevere speaks to herself in her mind. "No It won't.."

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