Chapter 24-The beginning of the Escape plan

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Guinevere sighed sitting next to her friends Riley and Francine and Mary. Charles Chapman practically dragged her back into the room where she was originally locked in with the other girls. "Girls..I don't see any point in reasoning with this guy.."

Riley looked at her frowning quizzically. "What is is it that you're not telling us?..Are you hiding something?..What happened out there.."

Mary stood up and pushed Riley. "Can you at least get a grip.. this is hard for her as it is for each of us rather than treating her like a freaking suspect in a murder investigation.."

Riley got up and brushed herself off then placed herself sqaure in Mary's face. "The way I see it that's probably gonna happen anyway because Mr Chapman has pretty much picked her and we are gonna be discarded."

Francine hated this animosity between the girls. She hoped hate that this would bring the girls together and not split them apart. "Guys as much as I agree with you all but I think we should hear Guinevere out first before we start saying that we are doomed and all that."

The girls nodded in agreement with each other and stared at Guinevere impatiently waiting for her story about what happened with Charles Chapman.

The girls nodded in agreement with each other and stared at Guinevere impatiently waiting for her story about what happened with Charles Chapman

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Tears fall down her cheek. She wanted to give her other cellmates good news but she couldn't lie to them not about this. But the problem was she couldn't get her head around the whole situation herself.

She swallowed emotionally as more tears fall and begins to tell her story. "Long story short..I found out that the reason Charles Chapman started this facility is because he's looking for his dead wife."

Riley rolled her eyes. "I'm not sure which story I like better the fact that he imprisons liars or because he's looking for his dead wife if Guinevere is to believed of course..I for one don't.."

Mary shot her a angry look which told her to shut up and Riley suddenly fell silent."

Francine shook her head. "Wait he's looking for his dead wife..What's that got to do with us?."

Guinevere shook her head violently in tears.  She didn't want to say anymore.

Mary looked at her and tried to work out why she was being so silent and less explanative. Then of course it came to her. "Oh I get it..."

The other Girls Francine and Riley looked at their friend Mary confused and spoke in unison. "WHAT?..WHAT IS IT?."

Mary looks at her friends solemn in sadness for her friend Guinevere. "Charles Chapman sees our friend Guinevere here a replacement for his dead wife.."

All the other girls aside from Guinevere who was sobbing uncontrollably stared at each other opened mouthed.

Riley spoke in the silence. "Now we need a plan and for that we need Guinevere to do it."


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