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Carmilla wakes up, slowly blinking away the sleep from her eyes. She vaguely remembers waking up a couple hours before, only to find the length of her body pressed up against Laura's, an arm thrown over Laura's waist. She had started to detach herself, but fell asleep before she could.

And now she was in the bed alone.

She sat up and listened, but didn't hear any movement in the living room.

Did she leave? Carmilla frowned. As much as she'd like to pretend otherwise, that notion didn't sit right with her at all. Not just because Laura's life was potentially still in danger, but also because she couldn't shake the thought that when she had woken up earlier, it was like their bodies fit together perfectly and felt so right.

Ugh, Karnstein, Mattie's right–– you're a sap.

She pushes herself out of the bed and trudges into the living room, which is indeed empty. As she starts to try to figure out whether Laura left of her own accord, she hears a muffled voice on the other side of her front door on her porch. She walks closer to it and strains to listen.

"Sorry... didn't know you would drop by... am not home right now..."

Carmilla smiles at hearing Laura's voice and at her pause to obviously come up with a lie to whoever is on the other end of the call.

"Woke up early to go for a run..."

There's a loud sigh and Carmilla almost jumps when Laura apparently exasperatedly leans herself against the front door.

"No, dad, I'm still not changing my alibi for Carmilla," she says firmly.

There's a bunch of huffs and grunts in the rest of Laura's side of the conversation for a while.

Finally, Laura tries to cut in with a few but's and wait's.

"Dad, I don't know why we're still talking about this! Carmilla is not a bad person or a cold-blooded murderer. I feel perfectly safe around her, I trust her, and if you don't have faith in my judgment, then this conversation is over."

Carmilla backs away from the door when she hears Laura take a deep, shaky breath and open the door. Laura jumps a bit at seeing Carmilla just standing before her.

"Uh, hey," Laura says, giving her a half-hearted smile. "I didn't wake you up, did I?"

Carmilla shakes her head, unsure if she should bring up the conversation she was eavesdropping on.

"Good," Laura says, flashing a brighter grin. "I made breakfast for us," she says, pointing at the kitchen area. "Are you okay with spinach-and-cheese omelets?"

"Yuck," Carmilla deadpans.

Laura narrows her eyes playfully. "Well, too bad, Karnstein. Go get washed up and I'll heat everything back up."

Carmilla smirks and does a mock salute before leaving the living room.

She comes back and settles into her kitchen table, which already has two plates and two mugs with coffee on it.

"Careful, cutie," Carmilla begins, "keep this up and I'll never let you leave."

Laura takes her seat opposite Carmilla. "Maybe that's the plan," she teases.

Carmilla rolls her eyes and takes a bite out of the omelet. Her eyes widen as she chews.

"How's it taste?" Laura asks, putting a piece of her own into her mouth.

"Terrible," Carmilla teases.

Laura mocks offense. "I slaved over a hot stove just to be insulted like this?"

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