The Cupcake and the Star

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Carmilla runs a hand through her hair and tries to calm down.

It's just a carnival, Karnstein.

You've just been so starved for friendship you're mistaking the first one you've had in ages for a crush.

You're just going to a carnival.

With a friend.

That's a lie.

If she was being honest with herself, whatever these not-platonic feelings for Laura are started way before Wednesday morning.

But she's Carmilla Karnstein, and she's survived this long simply by sticking her head in the sand.

That is, until she met Laura Hollis.

Laura Hollis, who sees her as a whole person and keeps her around anyway. Laura Hollis, whose smile lights up an entire room, and whose laughter lights up Carmilla's entire soul.

Laura Hollis, whose house she's been standing outside of for almost ten minutes.

Maybe I got the time wrong?

She starts to pull out her phone when she hears a crash from inside. Her eyes widen as she throws open Laura's front door without hesitation.

Laura jumps, almost dropping the phone she's pressed against her ear.

"Ar-Are you okay?" Carmilla asks, seeing a pile of books knocked onto the floor.

Laura gives her a curt nod but rolls her eyes, directed at whoever is on the other end.

"Dad, it's my decision to drop the charges! Will, he–– he'd just lost a friend and wasn't thinking clearly..."

A few moments go by before Laura's eyes widen. "....I know I made those plans with Danny, but I also canceled on her on Tuesday, dad," Laura grumbles. "If she wants to go to the–– you know what? Is she still there? Put her on the phone."

Laura taps her foot impatiently for a few seconds.

"Danny, do you know how manipulative it was to just show up to my dad's–– Yes, it was! I told you on Tuesday I didn't want to go with you to the carnival anymore–– Because I'm sick of you thinking you know better than me about what I should or shouldn't do! So until you can leave my dad out of our friendship–– Just–– If you want to go to the damn carnival so badly, go!" Laura growls and hangs up, throwing her phone into her couch.

She sits down beside it and buries her face in her hands, and takes a deep, shaky breath.

Carmilla feels her heart break and sits down beside her. She gives it a few seconds before she sighs. "Alright, just stop all of this before I get queasy."

Laura looks up from her hands and blinks her wet eyes at her in surprise.

Carmilla nudges her. "Cupcake, you are ridiculous and headstrong and naïve and that whole friendship with Danny seems doomed, okay? But unless want to miss this stupid carnival you haven't shut up about for days, stop this misplaced self-pitying, pick your cute little butt up, and let's go." She stands and offers Laura a hand.

Laura sniffles and Carmilla checks the urge to sit back down and hug her. Instead, Laura takes her hand and stands up.

Laura takes a shaky breath, but a small smile makes its way onto her face. "You ready for me to win you a stuffed animal, Karnstein?"


"If you keep this up, you're going to be made of cotton candy," Carmilla says, rolling her eyes.

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