Sacred Trust

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"Carm," Laura grumbles.

Carmilla's brain vaguely registers that Laura's front is pressed up against her own, with Laura's arm lazily draped over Carmilla's hip and her head tucked under Carmilla's chin.

"Carm," Laura tries again, her breath tickling Carmilla's neck.

Carmilla groans. "What?"

"It's Monday morning," Laura mumbles.

"Thank you for that information," Carmilla snaps.

Laura gently pushes Carmilla's shoulder. "We have class."

Carmilla clamps a hand over Laura's mouth. "Shh. Sleep now. Be annoying later."

Laura pulls her face away and huffs, rolling herself over slowly and sitting up.

"Cupcake, where are you going?" Carmilla honest-to-God whines, and Laura giggles.

"I am going to class," Laura replies. "Not all of us have mothers who are crime lords and can intimidate my major's faculty."

"I can change that," Carmilla insists. "I can have my mother intimidate them over your grades, too."

Laura rolls her eyes with a chuckle. "That's unethical. Considerate, but unethical. No, I couldn't do that. An A is a sacred trust."

"Ethics are a ridiculous game played by children who think they can impose order on an arbitrary universe," Carmilla states grumpily, sitting up.

Laura gives her a smirk. "Yeah, but what can you do but try?"

Carmilla looks at her in silence for a few seconds, as if taken aback by her reply. Then she shakes her head. "This is too profound and deep of a conversation to be having this early."

"You started it, Philosophy Major," Laura teases.

Carmilla grumbles something unintelligibly, flops forward on her bed towards Laura, and wraps her arms around Laura's waist.

Laura giggles. "What are you doing?"

"Using all of my willpower to keep you from leaving to go to class," Carmilla mumbles.

Laura wriggles her way out and laughs. "Well, you failed, Karnstein. Sorry. But thank you for looking after me this weekend."

She starts to walk out of the room.

"You know... there is another option here," Laura states smugly.

Carmilla looks up and raises an eyebrow quizzically.

"You could... come to class with me..."

"No." Carmilla shakes her head emphatically. "No, I will not go to class with you."


"I cannot believe you dragged me to class with you," Carmilla grumbles.

"I didn't even drag you," Laura retorts.

"Well, you basically did. I was in a weakened state of being sleepy. You took advantage of that and dragged me to this hellhole."

Laura rolls her eyes. "Relax, grumpy puss. It's almost over."

"Well, thank goodness for that. I was afraid time had stopped moving forward just in this classroom."

"I merely suggested it once and was about to say if you didn't want to, I would just borrow your car since... Your mom's employees were so kind they gave me a lift," Laura points out as the professor dismisses them.

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