Fix My Pout

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Carmilla's phone rings as she puts down the instruction booklet. She smiles when she sees the caller ID and answers it. "And to what I do I owe this pleas––"

"––Carm, I am dying," Laura groans weakly.

Carmilla's eyes widen. She had just seen her mother the day before and there had been no indication that there was any unhappiness on her end. The Dean was still blissfully unaware that the sheriff had given Laura and Carmilla his tentative blessing, but seemed satisfied with Mattie's report from their lunch. It had been smooth sailing for weeks. Surely nothing could've changed that, right?

Laura, realizing how her greeting came out, stammered. "I don't mean dying-dying. I mean, stuDYING."

Carmilla lets out a sigh of relief. "Don't scare me like that, creampuff."

Laura giggles on the other end. "Sorry, Carm."

Carmilla flops down on her couch. "So what are you studying?"

"Philosophy. Although, right now, it's more like 'philo-stupid.'"

"Hey," Carmilla snaps jokingly.

"Sorry again," Laura says, not sounding the least bit apologetic.

"I'm more offended by that bad pun than anything else."

Laura lets out a yawn. "Mmm, I must be spending too much time with my dad. His bad puns are rubbing off on me."

Carmilla sighs. "So that's why you're not here with me right now? Philosophy? Why didn't you just ask me for help? We are in the same class, y'know."

Laura huffs. "I was trying to be an independent woman and study for this final by myself."

Carmilla pouts and she's pretty sure it's audible over the phone. "But that means you're... not here."

"Carm, we can't both be pouting. Our lower lips would take up so much space that there wouldn't be enough room for us in this relationship."

"Then fix my pout," Carmilla says.

Laura groans. "Fine. I'll be right over."


There's a knock at Carmilla's door a little while later and she goes to answer it. A disheveled Laura is standing there, clutching a pile of books and her laptop. "Help," she whines.

Carmilla chuckles and pulls Laura in, taking some books from her. "Okay, but only if you help me, too."

Laura nods immediately and Carmilla can't help it, so she leans forward and kisses her. It's a short but sweet one.

"Uh, what was that for?"

Carmilla blinks. "F-For... uhm... For being cute."

Laura giggles and walks over to a messy pile in Carmilla's living room. "Is this what you need help with?"

Carmilla nods. "I propose you help me build this drawer thingy from Ikea, and I'll try to water down some philosophical concepts for you. Deal?"

Laura sticks out her hand and Carmilla laughs before shaking it. "You got yourself a deal, Karnstein."


Carmilla throws a bit across the room, growling in frustration. Laura frowns and crawls after it, rooting around under a table.

"Just forget it, cupcake!" Carmilla huffs. "I'm just gonna take this out to the front lawn and set it on fire and call it a day."

Laura sighs, still searching for the piece. "Look, I'm pretty sure that you just threw part 117016, so..."

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