Chapter 2/ High School

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Telling Me Anyways - High School

Chapter 2:

My desk was cluttered with a mess of papers and drawings. I shuffled through everything, but no luck. Pens and pencils clattered to the floor and my mom yelled for me to hurry up. A paper falling to the floor caught my eye and I hurried and shoveled it into my backpack. Second day of school and I'm already losing my homework. I'll be lucky if I actually make the bus on time.

I slung my backpack over one shoulder and raced downstairs. My mom scowled at me as I come down, but I ignore the terrifying glares and rush past her and out the door. I see the line of kids waiting patiently at the stop from across the street. The bus starts coming from over the hill to my left. I wait for it to stop before running across the street. I get on last and to my despair everyone sits with their friends leaving no room for me. I spy an empty seat and silently pray that no one sits in it. Thankfully no one does, but to my surprise a boy is sitting by the window when I go to sit down.

"Could I please sit here?" I ask, my voice shaking a little bit from the nerves of talking to people.

He glances over at me with a confused expression plastered to his face. "Sure," He says. "You didn't have to ask, you could've just sat down."

"Well I didn't want to sit down if you didn't want me here," I giggled. "Maybe you want to be alone for all I know."

He smiled a little bit before turning back to look out the window. He had dark hair that was ruffled a little bit. His caramel eyes seemed to be lost somewhere elsewhere. I could tell he wasn't really into sports by his scrawny, pale body. The boy appeared to be around fifteen or sixteen, my age.

"Enjoying the view?" He chuckled turning back to face me. My cheeks heated up and I felt myself stumbling to find the right words. I hadn't even realized I was staring so obviously. "It's okay," he said with a smirk. "I don't mind if you check me out."

"I-I wasn't checking you out," my words fumbled out. The redness to my face only got worse and worse and he was enjoying every minute of it.

"Don't worry, I love it when girls check me out," he gave me a wink. "Cause when guys do it, I get a little freaked out."

"Oh my god, I was not!" I had risen my voice a little at the last word. He didn't seem at all worried about my increasing frustration. Instead, he just laughed about it.

"Look, I'm just kidding!" He laughed. "Is it wrong to joke around?" His bright pearly smile was hard not to stare at while he laughed away at my embarrassment.

"Yes it's wrong when you don't know the person," I explained. "If I was friends with you, then it'd be somewhat okay."

He shook his head and turned back to the window. This time I was careful not to stare at him, though it was hard. There was something intriguing about him. For some odd reason I want to be friends with him. His confidence just somehow just made me happy.

"What's your name?" I blurted out. I couldn't control the want to get to know him.

"Chris," he told me. "And yours?"

"Beth," I said grinning.

"Well, Beth, what are some of your classes?" Chris asked, stretching out my name as if he's said it for the very first time.

As I went over my schedule with him, I found out we had multiple classes together which made me happy knowing that there'll be someone I can talk to  in a couple classes. So far everyone has ignored me. Literally. I turned to the girl next to me in English because I had a question about the work, but she just tuned me out and pretended I wasn't even there. I don't know what I did to her, but she obviously has something against me.

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