the date.

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My day was a rainbow of utter happiness, and I was absolutely thrilled about me and Anthony's date. It was something different, something fun and I was beyond excited.

He told me to meet him at the park adjacent from the University after practice tonight, so that gave me some leeway time to get extra-ready. I wanted to look good, but not too good. Makes sense, right?

I picked out a pair of burgundy shorts, a grayish crop top, and a dark yellow blazer. I figured since it was still warm outside and we were going to a park, this would be an appropriate look. Adding some light mascara and winged eyeliner, I put on my gray lace-up boots, and made my way to the park.

When I arrived, all I could feel was the calmness around me, and even for a split second I felt like the world was spinning in my favor. The trees were a faded green color, but still had this majestic look to it. And the rose bushes had flowers growing off them that seemed like their beauty was eternally frozen in time. Even in such a chaotic world, the beauty always seems to find a way to appear.

As I sat down at an empty picnic table, I was startled a few moments later by Anthony's voice. "I invited you on a date Valerie, not to perform on the runway." He chuckled as I rolled my eyes, all while he set down a legitimate picnic basket on our table.

"Never knew you could get this fancy." I half-sarcastically replied back, and now it was time for him to roll his eyes.

"See there's alot we don't know about each other," He said while getting out 2 PB & J sandwiches, "and I would willingly take the time to figure you out. It's just something about you that makes me attracted to you." As he finished taking out the rest of our meal, I watched him intently.

"Fine then, lets play 20 questions or something." I said, unraveling my sandwich. 

"Ight, let big Papa Davis eat first though." He murmured and then bit into his sandwich.


"What made you want to come to Kentucky? I mean its so far away from Florida." Anthony asked me as I pondered it for a second.

"It just seemed like the best decision at the time, a solid one actually. I'm typically the girl who can't make up her mind; whether its food, or clothes, anything really. So coming here was the first place I was like hey, this just feels right." I replied, while taking a sip of my juice box. 

"I'm trying to think of a good enough question for you but I can't." I blurted as I studied his face. "Umm, what about your unibrow? Tell me something crazy about it." Given that it was a sarcastic question, Anthony answered foolishly.

"My eyebrows were non-existent at one point." He said with a more serious tone of voice.

"Haha, I seriously doubt that ever happened Anthony! I mean look at it, that thing's golden and would probably take ages to grow that thick."

"No, I'm serious! My mom hated my unibrow at first and had me shave it off in middle school." 

"What made her change the way she viewed it?"

"Well, I think she realized that no matter what I looked like or wore, I would always be her son. I would always owe my life to her for all the sacrifices she made." He said while fiddling with his hands.

It grew silent for a second, almost like he was in deep thought.

"Look!" I exclaimed while grabbing his hand, " Anytime I felt like my head was going to burst I would gaze up at the stars and admire how they exist. So far up and so far away, yet we have the chance to see their beauty every night."

"I like how you notice all the little things in life, you see beauty in everything and that makes me happy." He stated as he continued to watch the stars dancing across the sky.

"Look a shooting star! Make a wish."

And that's what I did, I made a wish. Probably not the best wish, but one that always lurked in the back of my mind with hopes of coming true.


It was nearing the late hours of the night, so Anthony and I began to head back to our dorm. 

"This was really fun." 

"Yeah, we should do it again sometime."

I stepped into our room and turned up the heat, as it was chilly in our room.

"Yo, is this thing broken?" I called out to Anthony.

"Awh man," he said while hitting it a couple of times, "I think it is. I can go get our RA if you want."

"Nah, I can deal with the cold I'll just need to wrap up." I said while opening my draw and pulling out a fuzzy blanket.

"Or," He said while laying down on his bed and patting the small space beside him, "you can just sleep with me."

I gave him a questioning look.

"Just for tonight." He said giving me his best puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but no funny business." I said and then slithered my way into his bed, adding my extra blanket on top of us.

A/N; Hello, what is going on here? lol x love you all x

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