December 8, 2002

813 18 5

The day before delivery

Topanga: *groans* Shawn

Shawn: Yes, Topanga

Topanga: When is Cory getting home

Shawn: He's only been gone for 4 hours he has 3 more hours of his training

Topanga: *groans*

Shawn: He'll be home soon

Topanga feels a sharp pain

Topanga: Oh No

Shawn: What's wrong

Topanga: *stands up* Nothing I'm going to the bathroom

Shawn: OK

Topanga woddles to the bathroom

Shawn: *signs*

Topanga screams

Shawn: *runs to the bathroom* What happened

Topanga: *looks at Shawn scared* My water just broke

Shawn: No way

Topanga: Yes, and I am having contractions get me to the hospital

Shawn: What?!?

Topanga: Shawn hospital call Cory

Shawn: OK *dials Cory's number and no response* He didn't answer

Topanga: OK Hospital now

Shawn: OK OK *helps Topanga up than helps Topanga into her shoes and coat and grabs his car keys and leaves*

At the hospital

Topanga: *in pain* Where's Cory

Shawn: I texted him and left 10 voicemails

Topanga: *groans* Cornelius!!!

Shawn: Woah, how'd you know that was his name

Topanga: I've always known he just doesn't know I know

Shawn: Clever

Topanga: This hurts so bad

Shawn: No one said it was easy

Topanga: *glares at him*

Shawn: *backs up scared* Sorry

Topanga: *calms down* Did you call everyone else

Shawn: Yes I did they're on their way

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