August 28, 2009

607 16 5


Topanga: *screams* He's coming

Cory: 2 o'clock in the morning?

Topanga: Yes, get Riley out of here I don't want to wake her I want to make sure she has a good night rest before she has to wake up in a few hours

Rhiannon: We got her

Topanga: Thank You

Rhiannon and Jedidiah take Riley to the waiting room

Cory: He's a smart baby

Topanga: Yeah, he is

Soon Nursers and The doctor comes in

Doctor: Oh right, Topanga seems like your son wanted to come out early

Topanga: He doesn't want to miss seeing his big sister leave for her first day of 2nd grade

Doctor: He's sweet...Do you feel like pushing

Topanga: Yes I do

Doctor: OK let's do this

Everyone gets in position once Topanga's next contraction hits she begins pushing

Cory: Come on baby girl you have this

Topanga: *crying* I hate this part

Cory: I know, but you get something beautiful out of it

Topanga: *starts to push again*

Doctor: His head is coming out I see it you're doing great

Topanga: *keeps pushing*

Nurse: Don't forget to breath Topanga

Topanga: I'm breathing

Nurse: Good

Topanga pushes again and the head is out

Doctor: Shoulders are next

Topanga: *groans, but keeps pushing*

Cory: You got this Topanga, You know if I could I would trade places with you

Topanga: *tears fall* I know, but I'm glad I have the opportunity to do this

Cory: So am I because that looks painful

Topanga squeezes Cory's hand hard

Cory: OK OK I'm sorry

Topanga loosens up her grip

Doctor: Come on Topanga push

Topanga pushes and the shoulders come out than she does one last big push and the baby is out and crying and they place the baby on Topanga's bare chest

Cory: You did it. For the second time you brought another human being into this world

Topanga: *smiles tiredly* He's so cute. I can't tell who he looks like

Cory: I see a lot of your features

Topanga: All I know is he'll definitely grow up to be just like you

Cory: You think so

Topanga: *nods* Yeah, a little

The baby opens his eyes

Cory: Hi baby boy, we're your parents and we Love you

Topanga: A lot

They take the baby and get his height and weight

Nurse: Baby Boy Matthews weighted at 7lbs 6oz and 20 inches

Topanga: Weighed 2 ounces more than his sister, but an inch shorter

Cory: Our babies are amazing

Topanga: Oh Cory


Topanga: Good Morning sweety

Riley: *rubbing her eyes* Good Morning, where's my brother

Topanga: Right there in the plastic crib he's been waiting 4 hours for you

Riley: *eyes widen and runs over to the crib* He's here

Amy: He's adorable

Eric: You guys make the best babies

Cory: Well Thank You Eric

Morgan: So what is his name?

Topanga: August Cornelius Matthews

Alan: You told Topanga your full name

Cory: No, she already knew

Amy: *smirks* Clever girl

Topanga: *giggles*

Rhiannon: He's beautiful guys congratulations

Jedidiah: We're going to get going....

Topanga: No don't leave. We may not be as close as we used to be, but I want both of my kids to know that I have a civil relationship with my parents. I don't want you to miss anymore years especially now that August is here

Rhiannon: *smiles* We're right here Sweety

Topanga: *smiles*

Cory: Shawn says good job and congratulations he'll be here to see you both when you're released

Topanga: OK

Riley: I Love you baby brother. Welcome to our family August Cornelius Matthews

Eric: Little Auggie

Everyone: Awwwwwwwwe

Thanks for Reading!!!!!

The next episode will be the last and it will just be of 5 years later Auggie is 5 and Rowan is 12.

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