August 27, 2009

567 19 2

Day Before Delivery

Topanga: *in between a contraction* OK baby boy just stay calm OK

Doorbell rings

Topanga: *jumps a little than slowly gets up and opens the door*

????: Hello, Topanga

Topanga: *eyes widen* Mom, Dad

Jedidiah: May we come in

Topanga: No *clinging her stomach* NO NO

Rhiannon: Topanga what's wrong

Topanga: Hospital get me to the hospital I'll explain on the way

Jedidiah: OK

They get Topanga out of the house and into their car

Topanga: Why are you here

Rhiannon: We wanted to talk. We called Amy she wouldn't tell us anything she just said you guys still lived here

Topanga: OK

Jedidiah: Why didn't you tell us you're having another baby

Topanga: Last time I told you. You walked out on me. You weren't there to meet your granddaughter.

Rhiannon: We have a Granddaughter

Topanga: Yeah, her name is Riley she's 6 years old her birthday is December 8th

Jedidiah: We've missed 6 years

Topanga: Yeah, you have *clenches her teeth together in pain*

Jedidiah: Where's Cory and Riley right now

Topanga: School supply shopping. We always wait until the day before the first day so she isn't tempted to use the school supplies before school begins

Rhiannon: We need to call them

Topanga: No just tell the hospital to do it

Rhiannon: OK

They make it to the hospital. Topanga receives a room gets into her hospital gown than they hook Topanga up to machines so they can monitor the baby and her

Riley and Auggie MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now