They Call me Killer

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Darkness. It surrounds me in my prison cell. I hear the rats scuttling across the dirty floor as they try and find something to eat. One jumps over my foot landing with a patter on my cot. I bit my lip, Stor had to me not to use my powers in the cell but I had no choice. Closing my eyes I call my power to the surface. When I finally open my eyes I can see the rats on the floor, the single light bulb hanging from the ceiling and most importantly I can see my way out.

I creep towards the door trying not to step on any of my roommates, the rats for those of you who can't figure that out, and wave my hand over the door knob. It all sounds simple but it's not. My powers haven't been used for weeks and even then they were rusty. I could open doors, unlock locks and throw a human across the room but only when my mentor was with me. Now my mentor was dead and I just happened to be in prison. 

Anyway the door swings open creaking on it's hinges slightly. I step out and look down the hallway to see the guard approaching. I smile; bring it on. He turns on the lights as he walks towards me, "You there stop!" 

I tilt me head to the side, "Sir I believe in order to stop you have to be moving." 

He growls, "Shut the hell up and put your hands above your head." 

"I'm afraid I can't," I frown, "Sorry." Before he can reply or even think 'God this guy is crazy' I run towards him and knock him on the ground, "Sorry sir but I've got a date." I race out of the prision hearing the satisfying wail of sirens echoing through the prison. 

I burst out into the fresh, well sort of fresh, air of Raul. No one walks down the street by the prison during night, not even the Street Scum. Smiling to myself I saunter down the street towards Night Village. I'm half way there when I realize that I'm dressed in clothes that look like they are made from the dirt beneath my feet. Cursing my stupidity for just walking down the streets looking like this. 

Still cursing I walk towards a closed clothing store and open the back door using my power to unlock the lock. I sneak inside keeping an eye on the door that leads up to the shopkeepers apartment. Grabbing some shoes, a nice vest, white shirt and brown breeches I sneak back out again and change behind an empty dumpster. When I once again look like a prince I saunter back down towards Night Village. 

Night Village is always busy but it gets even busier at night, hence the name Night Village. This is the place for drug dealing, secret doings, and of course partying. I, however, was here for the second reason. I walk through the crowded streets of Night Village whistling tunelessly before ducking into a dark alleyway. 

I know this place, have known about it since I was thirteen. I used to live here with Stor before he died and I was sent to prison. Now my only hope lives here. Skeleton, my master's brother, has always lived in this alley. He's always been a mysterious man but a trustworthy one nonetheless.  

It only takes me a moment to find the dark doorway of his lair. I glance down the alley and knock firmly on the door. A moment later it swings open, there's a moment of silence and then, "Good god! It's really you!" I'm pulled into the house and given a bear hug that all but knocks the air out of me. 

"Skeleton, you're suffacating me." I gasp.

Skeleton puts me down on the floor again and laughs. "Sorry man! Come on you have much to tell me and I think you have many answers that you want me to answer." 

"I do." I nodded, "But more importantly I need to know that I can trust someone in this world." 

Skeleton smiles slightly and leads me up on the worn stairs into the main floor of his apartment, "There is much I need to tell you that my brother would have had it not been for his unfortunate death." 

I bit my lip and looked at my feet. "I need the answers." 

"Of course you do." Skeleton answers, sitting down on a small chair. 

"That," I raise an eyebrow, "means answer my questions." 

Skeleton laughs, "I need to know your questions first my lad." 

"You already know one of them; who can I trust." 

"Me." Skeleton pours some brandy into a small glass and throws it down his throat.

I sigh, "I was looking for more names." 

"There are none." he answers, "Everyone in this world knows what you are and if they don't then they mean nothing. You should probably not even trust me." 

"You're saying that there is no one else in this world." I ask, walking towards the fridge to get some food. 

Skeleton nodded, "That is exactly what I'm saying. There is probably a few more people you can trust but I don't know them yet." 

The information sinks into me slowly and I feel like Skeleton just placed a stone in my stomach and it was slowly dragging me down. My hands slowly became fists, "Anything else I should know?" 

"Leave your power alone. Don't use it for anything to big." Skeleton answered, "You have to realize that more is at stake here than you." 

"And you think I don't know that?" I growl slaming the door as I leave. 

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