The Bookstore

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We're now the rulers of the street. Everyone else means nothing compared to us. We kill when we want (for those of you who want to track me down and give me therapy we haven't yet) and take what we want even though Riker insists on paying. We are the dictators of our side of the city. This is our world now.

At the moment I stood outside of a small bookshop hidden in the back of an alleyway and squished between two other, much bigger, buildings. My cloak hid most of the world around me except for whats in front of me. I turn my head to see what's on either side of me, hoping that no one will see me disappear in to a bookstore when my reputation is for being a heartless bastard.

The bookstore is comforting with its dusty and woody smell. I make my way straight towards the section that contains the works of my master. I take his three best works off the shelf, one dedicated to me, the other two dedicated to the future of our kind. I walk towards the counter where a small, stunted goblin sits reading his newspaper...upside down.

"Excuse me," I say using my powers to disguise my voice even though it probably wouldn't work on a goblin who couldn't be fooled by anything.

He looks up, "Yes? Can I help you young man?"

"You can. I'd like to buy these and one of your new shipments." I answer letting the books slam down onto the desk.

He peers at the book titles, "This author, he died only recently. Poor bloke."

"I know, he was a esteemed leader at my university." I look at my hands imagining where the tattoo of the university is burned into my skin. I left after Master's death; there were too many memories on the campus and too many people who knew me.

The small goblin nods, "A good man. Came in here with his apprentice more than once. In fact," He leans across the wooden desk, "you  have his build."

"I'll take that as a completment seeing as Micheal was always surrounded by girls on campus." I smile slightly, it was true I couldn't get away from the god-damned things!

He chuckled for a moment before resuming his strange studious look, "What book did you want that we have recently in?"

"I can't remember the title but it was about honing your powers and getting more intact with the world around you." I close my eyes trying to remember the title.

The goblin jumps off his stool and limps in to the back room where he grabs a book of large porportion of a huge pile. "This one?" He says throwing the book onto the counter.

It's framed with a blood red, a color I've gotten to know well over the last few days.I gently pick it up as though it was a new born babe. It's exactly as I remember with the pages that look worn even though they're brand new and the gray titles on the cream pages.

"This is the one." I answer adding it to the stack of books that my Master had created, "I'll buy these four."

"Alrighty then." the goblin sighs writing something on a small writing pad next to him, "That'll be forty emeralds." I fish the money out of my pocket and hand it to him, "Thank you for your purchase." He answers handing the books to me in a small paper bag.

"Thanks." I say turning and walking out of the small bookstore and towards the small cafe just out of the alley. I'm reasonably near the University's campus but I don't care; if anyone sees me I can always have them killed; just kidding, but I really wasn't nervous.

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