Chapter 8

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Mosskit froze, horror coursing through her pelt.

Why were they there? Mosskit's fur began to rise involuntarily, fear making her pelt spike up. There was only one reason that they could be down there. And with excitement fizzing in their eyes, they couldn't be in trouble either. So they were going to be... apprentices?

But what about me? Mosskit wanted to whine and scamper forward to join her littermates. Only her broken leg and the aching sores on her pelt kept her in place. Why did they forget about me?

Frozen in shock, she looked towards Shadestripe, searching for an explanation in those yellow eyes. Her gaze was full of sympathy as they gazed at Mosskit, pity softening the normally hard glint in her yellow eyes.

Mosskit's heart twisted, as she looked out again at the two kits, beaming brightly in the sunlight. The light shot at them in an angle that made their fur shine, blinding her eyes with bright light. They almost looked like StarClan cats from the way they were groomed.

Meadowkit caught her eye, meeting her despairing glance with a sorrowful sheen in her venom green eyes. So her suspicions were right. Her littermates were becoming apprentices... without her. Why?

Should I join? Mosskit wondered, sneaking a glance at Shadestripe's face. As if confirming her thoughts, she quietly shook her head, turning her attention back to the ceremony that was about to begin.

"Moonkit and Skykit have reached the age of six moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed. Until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Moonpaw and Skypaw."

Blazestar glanced around the camp to find their mentors. Mosskit felt a pang in her chest as she realized how far behind she would be from her littermates. While they would be out training, she would be stuck in the medicine cat den, bored to death in the dim shadows that surrounded it.


The gray warrior stood up, walking up to stand beside Moonpaw.

"You are ready to take on your first apprentice. I know you had a good mentor in Cindertail and I hope that you will pass all that you know to Moonpaw."

Eyes shining, the two gray she-cats touched noses. Mosskit saw how excited Moonpaw was, her fur bushed up in excitement and her tail whipping back and forth over the scatter of leaves.


A warrior the color of soot and ash stood up, treading softly towards the front over the layer of leaves blanketing the ground. For once, Skypaw looked uncertain and vulnerable alone under the Highrock.

"Your apprentice will be Skypaw, and I hope that you will share your wisdom and experience with this young apprentice."

Sootpelt leaned down to touch noses with Skypaw. Her eyes were rounded with anticipation and eagerness to start training and exploring the forest.

The clan erupted in cheers for the two new apprentices. Mosskit joined in, her jealousy and the feeling of being rejected washed away in pride for her littermates. She yowled their names to the sky, the sun approaching sunhigh. Her chest felt as if it was about to burst with pride for both her sisters.



The ceremony ended as the older warriors and apprentices crowded the new apprentices and mentors with congratulations on their new mentorship or apprenticeship. Emberheart beamed in praise at beating her littermates in getting her first apprentice, while Sootpelt just nodded mutely when accepting his praise. Moonpaw pranced around her new mentor, an excited gleam in her eyes at the thought of beginning apprentice training. Skypaw just ducked her head, embarrassed at getting so much attention from the whole clan.

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