Chapter 12

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----Brianna's POV----
"Let's go swing!" Hunter said excitedly,running towards the swing set. "Ugh,okay" I regret ever suggesting to come to the park.

"Is it true that if you close your eyes while swinging then you'll feel like your real high up in the sky?" I asked, being to afraid to find out for myself. I probably sound like an idiot asking that question.

"Yeah,sometimes" Hunter replied. "You've never tried to find out yourself?" "No I'm afraid of heights,why would I want to imagine being high up in the sky?" I say laughing. "Really your afraid of heights, I didn't know that".

We sat in silence for a minute, the only sound was the swing set creaking. I've always been afraid of the swing breaking if I did try to swing high. I'm afraid of a lot of things. Hunter probably thinks I'm a chicken or something.

"So-" I begin to talk but I stop when I notice Hunter isn't sitting on the swing beside me. "Where'd you GOOO?!" I scream as I start to swing up high. Found him.

"Stop!" I scream scaredly. When he stops pushing me I stop my self completely with my feet. I jump up off the swing and start chasing him. "ITS NOT FUNNY!" I shout at Hunter.

He trips and falls and I start laughing to death. His face slid across the ground. I felt sorry for him but it was funny at the same time. When he sits up there's a big green spot on his face. "Its not funny" he says. "Yes it is" I reply. "I think you got a grass stain on your face" I can't stop laughing. "Why does bad things always happen to me,especially at the park" he says,sounding annoyed.

"Why is no one here to see this?" I ask my laugh dying down a little bit. "I'm glad no one is that'd be humiliating". "Does anyone ever even come to this park?" I ask confusingly. "Yeah me and you" he says. "You know what I meant" I say.

"Not very many kids live in this town and the ones who do are really little kids who can barely walk yet or are teens who spends there life on there phone" he replies to my question. "Oh interesting" I say.

I stand up and wipe my jeans to make sure there isn't any dirt on them. "Last one to the monkey bars is a loser!" Hunter says running. He's to hyper.

I walk to the monkey bars,knowing Hunter is gonna beat me even if I do run. So there's no point of running.

"Your no fun" he says when I get to the monkey bars. "Yes I am!" I reply. "No you arent." "If that's what you think then I'm going home" I say crossing my arms like a little kid and start to walk away. "Bye!" He screams like he's happy I'm leaving. He probably really is.

I get half way across the park and decide to sit down. I'm to tired and lazy to walk home right now.

"What happened I thought you were going home?!" He shouts,laughing. "I was but then I saw this ground and thought I might sit down and talk to it for a while" I say to him. "Your an idiot!" He screams across the park to me. "Am not!" I shout back. "Don't try to lie to yourself!" He is so rude.

"Am I an idiot?" I ask the ground even though I know neither hunter or the ground can actually here me. I think.

"The ground doesn't think I'm an idiot!" I reply to Hunters rude comment.

I notice hunter walking over her so I get of the ground and start walking again. Of course because Hunter is fast he catches up to me. "Don't leave me your my only friend" he says with a pouty face. "Then go try to make new ones because you don't want to hang out with an idiot do you?"

----Hunters POV----
'No I want to date an idiot' I think but don't say. I wish I could actually tell her how I feel but I don't want to ruin our friendship.

"Obviously if I'm hanging out with you then I do want to hang out with an idiot" I laugh. "Your rude" she says. "I'm just kidding" I tell her. "I know,I am to" she laughs a little. Her laugh is so cute. Everything about her is cute.

" I don't know about you but I'm hungry" I say touching my stomach. "Me to" she says. "Lets go home" I say and start walking away from the park. She does the same.

"You wanna go to my house and see if my mom can take us to get something to eat?" She asks me. "Sure" I reply.

Surprisingly Brianna didn't complain the whole time we were walking home. I did though. She said she would only forgive me for calling her and idiot,if I carried her home. So I did. She's not very heavy but it was a long walk with her on my back.

We finally get to her house after thirty minutes or longer of walking. Of me walking.

"MOM!" Brianna's voice echoes through the house. "I'm in the kitchen!" Brianna's mom yells loud enough for us to hear.

We walk in the kitchen and Brianna ask her mom if she can take us somewhere to get food.

"But I'm cooking dinner" Brianna's mom says. "Would you like to stay for dinner Hunter?" She asks me. "Sure!" I reply excitedly. "We'll be in the living room watching TV" Brianna tells her mom before dragging me in the living room with her.

"What do you wanna watch?" Brianna asks me as I sit on the couch,beside her. "I don't know,its your house you pick" I reply. "Ugh,why do you have to be so complicated" she says. 'Why do you have to be so cute?' I think to myself. I thought I did at least.

"What'd you say?" Brianna asks me. "Depends,what'd you hear?" I hope she didn't hear me. "Um,nothing that's why I asked" she says. "Oh I said you should look for a movie" I almost had a heart attack. I'm glad she didn't but at the same time I was kinda sad that she didn't,but I wasn't going to say it again. It might ruin our friendship.

A/N: Finally updated! Hoped you liked this chapter. I tried to hurry up and update today. If I get a chance I'll try to update more today. Make sure to vote and comment :-)

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