Chapter Seven

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If some of this is different to usual, it's because I am typing this on my Computer, and it makes the gaps between lines when I press return HUGE. Sorry :-(

 Sorry :-(

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Effie POV


I give Haymitch a discreet goodbye smile, as he heads off to training. Today is going to be an extremely long day.

"Euphemia!" I groan as my mother places her hands on my shoulder. "Come with me! We are Going Shopping!"

Argh. Shopping with my mother is always horrible. During the game season (The time in which the games are.) The days which the tributes have training are the only days the Escorts get off. They are allowed to wander around town, meet with family. So long as they are back by Five O' clock.

''Thanks, but I think I am going to hang around here for the day." I say, shaking off her offer.

"No, Euphemia! You are not!" She drags me down the hall, into my bedroom. " We must get you looking presentable now, Get that horrible thing off you!'' She says, going over to my closet, and is horrified when she sees my clothes.

''THESE ARE WHAT CLOTHES YOU BRANG? I SAID NICE CLOTHES! WHEN I SAID BRING CLOTHES, I DIDN'T MEAN THESE! EUPHEMIA! YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THE FAMILY!" My mother shouts. She is overreacting to a whole new level. I Did bring nice clothes. One's that are comfortable. Ones that I like.

I don't pick a fight. Instead, I imagine Haymitchs face.

My mother gives a dramatic sigh. " Well, then Euphemia. I guess you will just have to borrow my clothes until we can get you some proper clothes." She says angrily. (A/n Not on my Computer any more! :-) )
"These are proper clothes." I mumble. They are proper clothes, but not for the Capitol. I get them from Dahlia. Her family is in District four, and she gets them to send her stuff, which she gives to me. She knows that I hate the Capitol clothes. That they are uncomfortable, and silly. So, she gets her family to send me normal clothes. I pay her back, through food, and she can use my pens and paper to write home.
"Come with me." She drags me into her bedroom, and into the closet.
"Hmmmm." She says, deciding which dress I will wear.
"Euphemia! I think I have found you a dress!" She pulls out a florescent, truly ugly, dress. There is Black, a lime green, and hot pink.
"Isn't it beautiful, Darling!" She exclaims.
"Yes. Truly Beautiful." I say flatly.

The dress itself, takes over an hour to get into. Not to mention the shoes. Five inches high, and bright Yellow. They horrible. They are uncomfortable. They are everything that shoes shouldn't be.
The make up is ugly, with bright blue lipstick, and a range of different colours for eye shadow. My hair is in waves, and non permanently died a soft, sunset colour.

Three hours. Three hours. That is how long it took for my look.
"Now you're ready!" My mother chirps, leading me out the door.
The sun is out, but it is a cold day, with a freezing and bitter breeze.
I am so cold, and the dress shows no protection from the wind. It whips straight through me.
My mother waves to a car, who pulls over, and we get in. The shopping centre will be packed. Because everyone will be choosing their outfits for while the games are on.
As well As watching the games, they hold awards for the best dressed, and the best dressed person gets to meet the victor up close when the victory tour comes next year.
It is a big thing, and everyone tries to win. Some people dress up their children, because if they win, it's obvious that their parents will have to go with them.

There are news reporters everywhere. They are waiting outside the shops. As soon as they see my mother, there are screams, and they try and grab at us. For me, It's overwhelming.
"Miss Trinket! What do you think of this years Games?"
"You and you're daughter look absolutely Stunning!''
"What's you're opinion on the games this year?''
"How are your tributes?''
They scream questions at us, until the chauffeur leads us inside. The people grab our arms, screaming in our ears. I do not belong with these people. I am not like them. I am not like my mother. She loves this. absolutely LOVES it.
She tries to answer every question, even when we are in through the doors, she wants to go back. I hang behind her the whole trip, not interested in the Fur dress that she holds up.
"Euphemia! You must try this on! It is beautiful!'' She calls out to me. I shake my head, No.
She acts like this until she sees some other girl, wearing the exact same dress as the fur one. She shakes her head in disgust.
She grabs my wrist, and drags me up to the counter. The distress is written all over her face, like her make up.
"My daughter was going to try on the Fur dress, but then we saw another girl wearing it!" My mother cries. "I thought you only did one of every outfit! So that each and Everyone was Special!" She shrieks.
I want to hide. I can feel eyes staring at us. The shop assistant looks horrified.
'' I...I am sorry miss. But some outfits are just so popular that we have to bring them out again every season!'' She smiles, if you could call it that. Her cheeks don't move. She looks young, possibly Thirty. she has dominant cheek bones, and... whiskers... like a... Cat? No. A tiger. There are pale black and orange stripes that cover her face. her nose is almost black, and she wears a strange outfit, that is fitted so tightly around her body, she looks as if she can barely move. Then I listen to her voice.
'If you would like, I could fit her with something original? That will only be made once?'' Her voice is a purr. Only a soft purr, which is so soft, that you couldn't pick it up if you weren't paying attention.
"Tigriss?'' My mother shrieks, as if just realising.
''Crystal?" Its like a reunion between them.
''Oh my goodness! I haven't seen you in... forever! How are you?! What are you doing here?" My mother hugs her 'long lost friend'.
''Oh... I'm just helping out for my mother, who is out gathering her clothes. Today really is the only day she can go out, during the game period, because I am not there any other day apart from today!'' She purrs.
''Which district are you now?" my mother asks curiously.
"Well, I finally worked up enough courage to put in a request for district Four!" Tigress chirps.
"Good on you! You deserved that job!" My mother mutters, and I can hear a hint of jealousy in her voice. She Is the jealous type. She wants that job. And that District.
Another girl walks through the shop door.
''Tigriss! How are you?'' The girl has curly, shoulder length hair, with half of it shaved off with vines tattooed on it.
''Ah... Crystal, This is Cressida! She is an old family friend! Cressida darling... how are you?'' Tigress says.
Cressida looks beautiful. She isn't as made up as the other women. And I like that.

We arrive home with completely new outfits for both my mother and I. I hate my outfit. Ugh. I don't even think words could describe it.
Haymitch looks tired when I see him again at dinner. He still keeps a strong face though. I am getting a little bit sick of the girls though. They are always crying. But I feel bad that I feel annoyed, because I don't have the games. I don't have that worry, hanging over my head Every. Single. Day.

The games, They need to stop.



Argh. I think that I am getting sick! Haha. I hate being sick :-(

It is really hot outside today! OMG. I went to see Joy last week! I loved it so much! I think that it is a truly inspiring story, and it shows you that you just have to keep moving towards your dream, even if it seems hard!

How are you? Sorry about my computer! It was just easier this way for me! Thank you guys for all of the reads, and the votes!

As Always,

May the odds be ever in your Favour!

Xx Laura

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