Prologue: Skater Boy

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I was listening to Avril Lavignes "sk8ter boy" today and I thought man that's such a great song I wonder how skater boy got to know Avril and why did this chick not love skater boys I know back when I was in H.S. I did dated an amazing one who also happened to rock out so this is dedicated to u my skater boy and what i think it should be about this isn’t exactly like the video meaning it’s not completely boring and has nothing to do with the video at all its how i see the song and what happened for it to get to the song and now here’s my crazy wacky might make you cry and smile at the same time self-absorbed version of Skater Boy ;)

“Wow she's so pretty” she doesn't know how great I'd treat her if she was with me. He can't treat her like I can but she can't see that she only sees me as her friend.

 She's there arguing with him again doesn't she get tired of him doing that I see him all the time with different girls, he says he's just studying but I know better he's there making out with whatever girl will let him.

Eleven years it’s been eleven years and she still doesn’t see I’m better for her. Yeah i skate i dress differently but I’m not a bum. I mean come on I'm a captain of the football team, basketball team guess that doesn’t matter to her all she sees is money. Well stuff her then I know I rock, every girl in school wants to be with me well maybe I’m exaggerating but they definitely want me. I mean how can they not I’m 6'2" all muscle not too much just enough to know i work hard for my body....

"Jacob are you daydreaming again" shouts Jen. the bell rings signaling us to go to our first period.

Man that's the stupidest bell I ever heard

Oh hey Jen...

For those of you who don’t know Jen is my partner in crime. Not literally but she is amazing, she’s popular not cocky valley girl popular but the popular that every guy wonders why they can’t have her.

She’s beautiful I must say but I wouldn’t go there a while ago our mothers had this crazy idea that we would be perfect for each other but Jen and made a pact long ago that. We are too good friends for that to ever happen I couldn’t lose her she's my besty.

 I mean I love her not in the boy girl love way. In the growing up with her there way I can’t really explain it hell yeah I can. She’s amazing she has this amazing voice when she sings she plays guitar and she is not your average girl she likes to skate.

Other than that this girl is just like me I've known her since birth and i literally mean birth our moms are best friends have been since there ancient times in high school. They even dated the same guy which almost ended their friendship and you guessed that guy is my dad.

World class guy let me tell you. But my mom won his heart and poof ten years later here I am, and then my sister shortly after and my lil brother yeah they really love each other been together for 25 years now. I want that someday I mean if she comes along which I’m hoping is Christina but I know I'm way too young to be even thinking about that. 

"Jacob, Jacob"

Omg your so day dreaming again. No, I’m not I’m just thinking how long I've actually known you; you think our moms planned our births.

I wonder that all the time said Jen. They probably did I just beat you out and said Jen then she punched me and ran I always chase after her but today wasn't really in the mood.

(Jens POV)

Wow he is just standing there maybe if I spray water on him. He’ll actually move, oh man too funny I’m so doing it. I go to the sprinkler as he watches me as I act like imma get a drink and squish lol oh man shoot here he comes


No I bat my eyelashes this seems to never work but hey what the heck he looks confused and says come on we are already late. Too late here comes Principal Nelson.

“Jacob, Jeniffer” shouts principal baldy that’s the nickname Jacob and I gave him.

Yes sir, we both say as I smile and bat my eyelashes at him not like it helped he just kept on talking I’m so gonna kill my sister she knows nothing about men. Detention both of you!!!

but principal bal and I catch myself I mean principal Nelson I had to use the restroom and Jacob was just making sure I'd get there safely.

Hmm he said not believing us one bit but giving us a pass.

Ok but hurry up I’ll be checking on u too later you’re going to be in all your classes or else

Yes sir we both say and head to class.

He so believed us I smile to myself and Jacob hits me and runs, I of course chase him and then everything goes black.


I hit something hard or did something hit me, before I know it a pair of strong arms helping me up.

Thanks, I said then I looked up and omg what I saw next was wow he's gorgeous I thought definitely over six feet short black hair piercing green eyes and a smile that would melt the meanest persons heart. Not to mention his toned chest and omg he smells amazing.

Your welcome he says, and then asks where you off to in such a hurry. I tell him class and right then Jacob interrupts us.

Ehem Jacob clears his throat and makes annoyed face challenging the newcomer.

 Oh shoot gotta go principal baldy’s tracking us.

He smiles and walks away, dag I didn't even get his name. I'm sure he's new I know all the guys here I mean I am what you call a Tom boy girl yes a Tom boy girl.

 I do all things play basketball, tennis and soccer I skate of course and I sing amazingly if I do say so myself and play lead guitar. Yet I always have my make -up done well mascara eye shadow and lip gloss at all times and of course my hairs always amazing I mean I am so of course.

Jen Jen...


And u say I'm always day dreaming and look at you, says Jacob mocking me.

 Hey, I'm not I’m thinking isn't that what u call it.

 We head into class and the students all make the Ooooh noise oh please guys we were with the principal he personally told us we could be late.

That's not what he said to me Jeniffer said Mrs. Young, just go take your seats you two or I'll be telling him later you tried to lie your way out of your lateness and it'll be detention for the both of you.

Ok ok, you got us continue on my lady I smiled with such cheese u think I was in some type of nirvana.

Ugh I almost forgot where I was, Science not my favorite subject but at least it’s not World Studies.

 I so hate that class like I don't watch the news don't want to nor do I ever care to it's all the same blah blah blah war blah blah blah death blah blah blah celebrity news like maybe If they had more things I liked on then I’d watch you never see any skate boarders in the news.

So what do you guys think as most of you who have been reading know i rewrote the beginning and I'm actually going to rewrite the whole bunch of the chapters I posted maybe It'll get some attention maybe It won't I don't care being my backs out and I'm out of work for the time being let's just say I'll have some time to rewrite Skater Boy comment vote and tell me If you love what I'm doing by rewriting it =) love yah and never change smiles and hugs your writer Lena =) xoxo

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