Part 4: Plot

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CIA Bustdown was the name of the movie, not because we found CIA cool, but because at that time, we didn't know any other agencies. This name was suggested by Hriday101. The story was proposed by me with some modifications from the other guys.
The story goes as "CIA ordered weapons and miscellaneous equipments to refill the inventory, but instead of the expected goods, they got a consignment of high quality precision rifles amd their ammo. On further investigation, it was found that the addresses were botched up and the parcel got exchanged. It was also found that these precision rifles were illegal in the state, even if it was for personal collection. The CIA suspected that some gun smuggling was going on, and intended to stop the stockpile and transport of these guns. At the same time, the thugs got the parcel meant for CIA and they sent out their gang members to continue the investigation and get the consignment. Since CIA had their eyes and ears around for all suspicious activities, the gang members were unsuccessful in locating the consignment. As a result, the leader of the gang killed their gang member by shooting in his heart. Later, the CIA investigated the murder and found that the bullet that killed the member was the same bullet which came along with the sniper rifle. And by checking the video footage, triangulation of mobile signal etc, the CIA agents move in for the bust."
The precision sniper rifles were actually nerf recon since we wanted these weapons to really stand apart.
Then, roles were assigned to the actors. Me, KirinPatil and Hriday101 were CIA agents, Naresh was the antagonist and Pratik and Samar were the gang members.
There was no script prepared, and as a result, we improvised it on the spot. So, after this discussion, it was nearly night and here came the end of a tiring day. On the very next day, we prepared to shoot the movie.

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