Part 5: First Recording

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So, it was a big day, and frankly, I wasn't sure what to wear as a CIA agent. So I wore a t-shirt and a jeans, which seemed like a normal guy instead of a CIA agent (I guess I was working under cover), and not surprisingly, Hriday101 and KirinPatil followed same. We brought the guns and ammunition, and as I made a holster of paper for the sidearm, I found it very easy to cycle between weapons.
So, having a Sony CyberShot camera in a hand, we were ready to shoot whatever scene came into our mind.
The first scene was breaking into a house which contained servers used by the thugs. The house selected was Hriday's house as Kirin's house is the lair of the thugs and in my house, there were 3 dogs, so shooting a film without hearing barks from them was out of the question.
The first scene was me climbing the compound wall, so that I can open the gates from inside and let others in, sparing them trouble to climb the wall. There was only one space, where I can jump inside the house after climbing the compound wall, and that space was just alongside the gate (It took 4-5 retakes since the camera's mic didn't pick out voices, and sometimes, we also spoke wrong lines or laughed at our silliness.)
We finally managed to shoot first scene, and in the next scene, it was planned that Kirin rushes in from the open gate. We successfully shot the second scene too. When we watched the clips after transferring it over pc, we found that when I climbed the compound, the gate was already opened. Then after shooting the scene, we closed the gate. When we started shooting, Kirin's sequence, that scene  a closed gate. So basically, if you watch the movie, it seems that I jumped for no reason. And, we didn't even shot that scene again, that scene was final and done.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2016 ⏰

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