Chapter 20

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A week has past by since Chresanto has gone into a coma. I feel so lonely without him. I miss waking up to his good morning texts or him walking me to class each morning. Everyday this week I've went to go see him in the hospital. Carina, Jacob and I just got finished from seeing him a couple of hours ago.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and started making dinner for tonight. My mom wasn't home so if we wanted to eat I guess I was going to have to do it. I made fried fish, macaroni and cheese, collard greens and for dessert I made Oreo brownies.

It took me about two hours of slaving over a hot stove to cook all this food. I made a plate for my mom than wrapped aluminum foil over it and placed the plate in the microwave.

"Jacob, Carina," I yelled. "Dinner is ready!"

I made my plate and then went upstairs so I could finish eating my food then start my college applications. I grabbed the bottle of hot sauce from my nightstand drawer and poured a good amount of it on my fish and collard greens. Yes, I have hot sauce in my nightstand; hot sauce goes by quick as fuck in my house. I have no choice but to keep a bottle with me.

I turned on some music while I filled out some college applications online. Most of the colleges that I was applying to was out of state. I've been in California all my life and I just want new opportunities and experiences. I want to see what else is out there.


I heard the sound of my Galaxy 4 ring and vibrate on my nightstand. I looked up at my alarm clock and it was four am. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Chresanto's mom calling.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Brielle, Chresanto is awake. Come down here. Just by yourself. I'll call the others down here to see him tomorrow but I knew that you really wanted to see him when he first woke."

My heart started beating and I smiled to myself. "I'll be right down there, Ms Wright. Thank you so much." I hung up the phone and slipped my sandals on.

Since my mom wasn't home and I couldn't use her car, I started Jacob's van up and jumped in the drivers seat. There wasn't much people on the road so it didn't take me that long to get to the hospital.

Once I got there, they gave me a visitors pass and allowed me to go up to Chresanto's room. I stepped onto the elevator and waited for it to get to the fifth floor. It felt like hours till I finally stepped off the elevator and raced to his room.

The door closed so I knocked on it. "Come in." I heard Chresanto's raspy voice call.

I slowly opened the door and stepped in the room. It was just Chresanto inside sitting up in the hospital bed eating crackers.

He smiled at me and opened his arms up. I raced towards him and embraced him into a tight hug. He rubbed the small of my back as we sat in silence to rekindle with each other.

"Do you remember everything?" I asked him. "The doctor told us that there's a chance that you wouldn't remember anything from the past."

"I remember everything except for the day before my accident and the day of my accident. My memory is still good. When I first woke up the doctor told me that I didn't damage my brain enough to lose my memory."

I pulled up a chair next to Chresanto's hospital bed. "Thats good," i replied giving him a slight smile. "I really missed you," I told Chresanto. "While you were in a coma I had some time to think about everything that happened between us."

A Player in the Remaking (A Chresanto August Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now