1. The Meeting

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Chapter 1 

Rachel's POV

"Sweetie I will finish unpacking, you should go outside and play with the kids out there." my loving mother said to me. 

"okay but what if they don't like me because I'm not from here?" I said worried because I'm from Georgia not Ireland.  

"They will like you because you are my daughter and people like me so people have to like you too." she says while laughing. I leave the house. outside there are nice houses, grass, and trees nothing special. Its summer break for kids here so everyone is outside enjoying being out of school. too bad the only group of kids I see is boys around my height playing soccer. I take a deep breath and walk over to them.  

the boys were yelling at each other to pass the ball. they look like they are having fun maybe I should just watch. I saw a shady spot under a tree and sit there watching. one boy notice me. he has brown hair and blue eyes. he smile and waved at me then starting running towards the ball. I smiled back. maybe I'm going to get a new friend today. someone kicked the ball and it rolled my way. I got up and grabbed the ball. the boys were yelling at me to hand them the ball. so I did a goaly kick and if I say so my self it was an awesome kick. all of the boys had their jaws dropped. I waved to them and went back to spot by the tree.  

the same boy who waved came running towards me.  

"hey that was an awesome kick, do u wanna play with us?" the friendly boy asked me. I couldn't help but laugh because he sounded so different.  

"Sure! I'm Rachel by the way." I said smiling  

"I'm Niall, and aye u sound different. where are u from?" he said while giving me a hand to help me get up. "I'm from Georgia but my folks just moved here." I say while walking beside Niall to the field. "that's in America right? and that's weird a family just moved next door to my house today too."

We played soccer oops I mean football til sunset. I'm so happy I wore tennis shoes and shorts. and I'm grateful for mom and dad to sign me up to play soccer back in Georgia.

I started walking back home then I heard someone running behind me. I turned around and saw Niall. "Hey Rachel wanna walk together home?" Niall said while panting because of the running he just did. "Sure! is your house this way too?" 

"yea it is maybe you are my new neighbor. haha"  

"yea I guess I am" I say while laughing.  

"do u wanna come to my house for cookies? my mom makes the best."  

"sure I don't think my mom will care"

And that'd how their friendship began.


I wrote this on my phone so sorry for all of the grammar mistakes.  

what do u guys think? Comment Vote whatever u guys wanna do.  

Hope u guys liked it! :) 


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